Double Doctor

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At the time I wrote this, Dottore hadn't gotten his facelift so webtoon!dottore was the only thing I had to go off of (and I couldn't stop myself from shipping him with Baizhu because they're both "doctors" so don't be shocked if they get some sexy screentime of their own ;) a different type of kinky, I promise. but that could be better or worse than the current zhongchi kinky so we'll see, ehe


"I didn't expect to have you back..." Dottore raised an eyebrow, "so soon..." he closed the door a bit more, so Childe couldn't see into his room. 

"What have you done to my room, Dottore?" Childe's eyelid twitched. 

"Nothing, nothing," he assured. 

"The day I trust a word that comes out of your mouth is the day I wind up dead," Childe pointed at him. 

"I haven't done anything to your room, for the most part," he muttered the last bit. 

"For the most part?" Childe pushed him to the side and walked in. He carefully turned into a circle to catch whatever it is that Dottore fucked up. Much to his surprise, Dottore hadn't been lying. He really didn't do anything to this room. However, he had been doing someone in this room that was for sure. 

Childe walked over to his bed and pulled off the covers. "Aren't you the doctor? I thought you didn't pick sides." 

"Does it look like I picked a side?" Baizhu glanced up at his handcuffs. "I was treating patients as I normally do-" 

"It's no fault of his that he got kidnapped by me," Dottore grinned. 

"You thought that because I wasn't here you could use my bed for your own selfish kinks?" Childe curled his hand into a fist. He slammed his fist down into the cuff's chain, breaking it. Baizhu sat up, glad to be free of that. "He didn't hurt you in any way, right?" Childe felt bad. Baizhu saved his life before. 

"Not exactly..." Baizhu stared at the edge of the bed as he sat up. A white snake slithered out of the sheets and closer to him. It spiraled around his leg and then moved to his neck. 

"What the fuck?!" Childe took a step back. "Did you try to poison him with a snake?" Childe gestured, glaring at Dottore. 

"What? No, of course not," he laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck. 

"Nothing you say is trustworthy." 

"Oh no, she isn't poisonous," Baizhu adjusted the snake on his neck. "She was a gift to distract me from the fact this man stole my daughter." 

"You did what?" Childe was finding it more and more difficult to keep himself from beating the shit out of Dottore. 

"I didn't steal Qiqi, I moved her to a safer location..." Dottore defended himself, "without permission..." 

"You kidnapped her then," Childe crossed his arms. 

"Because I'm a neutral doctor, people are starting to get upset that I'm helping those that should've technically died under orders. Since I don't pay attention to who is from where...I'm now on a kill list," Baizhu explained. "Dottore took Qiqi before others could but didn't tell me about it and then promptly stole me from my clinic after wrecking the place." 

"So people would think you'd already been killed?" 

Baizhu nodded. 

"Why did you chain him to the bed then?" Childe pointed. 

"He would've run away to go do doctor things like usual without a second thought if I didn't," Dottore glanced away, shrugging. "The man has brought me back from the brink of death multiple times, it's the least I could do," he placed his hand on his chest and smiled, albeit insincerely. 

"You're an absurd liar," Childe and Baizhu spoke at the same time. 

"The only reason you've saved him is that you're interested in him for something. Maybe he just entertains you. But you didn't do it out of the kindness of your own heart, that's for sure," Childe pointed at Dottore. 

"Just like you didn't go to see Morax to spy on him, hm?" Dottore placed his hand on his mask but didn't remove it. He simply smirked. 

"What would you know about that?" 

"I know quite a bit of things, Tartaglia," Dottore stepped forward. He pressed his finger into Childe's chest directly over where he'd been carved. "One of them is you're not entirely loyal to the Fatui. So let's do each other a favor and keep our secrets, hm?" 

"Alright, that's enough," Baizhu stood up and grabbed Dottore's hand from off of Childe's chest. He pulled him away and then dragged him out of the room. 

"Eh?" Dottore blinked, feeling like a cat being dragged by the scruff. "Ehh? But you're not wearing pants-" 

Childe held his face in his hands and sat on his bed. He let out a long sigh and was about to fall back until he remembered the bed had been holding someone captive. He stood up and tore off all the sheets. "I should've taken something of Zhongli's when I had the chance. Then at least I could remember what he smelled like-" 

"Sir!" an agent entered abruptly. "Someone is wreaking havoc downstairs! The others are demanding your presence!" 

"He changed his mind rather quickly, huh?" Childe tried to hold back his smile. 

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