Stitched Lips

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"You foolish man. You managed to survive just like he said," Dottore opened the door to the warehouse. He didn't have a reason for looking here he just figured it might be the right place. It was a second lab for if the first one was ever destroyed. Pantalone lay on a table with his hands folded on his stomach. His eyes and neck thoroughly bandaged. There were IVs attached to him and a heart monitor steadily beeping. 

"Are you here to kill him?" 

Dottore jumped, turning around to see himself staring down at him. He'd stared at this man for years inside of a floating tube but he didn't think he was actually taller. 

"Your was..." 

"And you've survived having your organs removed multiple times. I don't see how this is such a shocker." The other Dottore moved to Pantalone, placing his hand on his forehead to check his temperature. "Are you here to kill him?" 

"I've already had my fill of killing him. I did it the one time and he came back to life," Dottore frowned. 

"Here to torture him then?" 

"Why are you taking care of him?"

"Well, he took care of me for a long time, didn't he? Why can't I return the favor?" 

"Ah, I can't believe I forgot you're the favorite," Dottore shuddered. He moved beside his other self to stare at Pantalone. 

"Dottore?" Pantalone reached out his hand, speaking quietly. It moved in the direction of Baizhu's Dottore. He held the hand awkwardly. "Dottore," Pantalone smiled. "Are you back now?" 

"Yes," the other Dottore answered. 

"I'm glad. I missed you." Pantalone pulled his hand away, falling asleep again. 

"For years, I thought I wanted to be accepted by him. I suppose I'll take satisfaction in him mistaking me for you," Dottore sighed. 

"So, you're not going to torture him?" 

"What fun is there in torturing a man that's already half dead?" Dottore shrugged and shook his head, walking back out. 

"You're kinder than you pretend not to be." 

"Shut up or I'll punch your handsome face." 

The other Dottore reached out to take off the mask on Baizhu's Dottore. "If anything, I'd say you've got the handsome face. Quite the tattoo job." 

"Speaking of which, I need new clothes..." 


"Pantalone, I need you to let go," Dottore sat him on the chair but he wasn't releasing him. 

"I don't want to." 

"I can't make sure your eyes are okay if you don't let go." 

Pantalone reluctantly released Dottore. He took the bandages off of Pantalone's eyes. Due to a last-minute transfer, one of his eyes was an entirely different color than the other one. "Can you see me?" Dottore rested his hand on Pantalone's face. 


"Splendid," Zhongli kicked open the doors and walked in with his hands shoved into his pockets. He spun around in the air and kicked Dottore away from Pantalone. "Tie him up, Tartaglia." 

Childe held the rope in front of himself, snapping it, before tying Pantalone to the chair. He was already injured, it wasn't like he was going to fight back. But it was the principle. 

Zhongli dragged Dottore to the side of the warehouse opposite Pantalone. They were just out of reach but still close enough to Pantalone that he could see. Dottore was thrown into a chair. Zhongli's hands on his shoulders kept him firmly in place. 

"See, I've thought a lot about the best way to hurt you, Pantalone," Zhongli smiled, standing behind Dottore, gripping his shoulders tightly. Dottore winced, head falling forward a tad. "Killing him in front of you once didn't seem to work. You're still sane. So, let's try something new, hm?" Zhongli moved his hand down under Dottore's shirt. "Oh? So you like leather straps?" Zhongli pulled Dottore's shirt open to reveal the strange harness on his chest.  

"Don't touch him!" Pantalone snapped, glaring. 

"I might be inclined to listen," Zhongli pulled the shirt down off of Dottore's shoulders, "but he isn't resisting at all, which makes this all the more interesting." 

"I've tied him up, Xiansheng," Childe ran over beside Zhongli, waiting for a 'job well done' comment. 

"You're awfully quiet," Zhongli grabbed Dottore's chin, lifting it up to face him as he stepped to the side of the chair. "Don't you care what happens to you? Or to him, for that matter?" 

"I don't care how much you hurt Pantalone as long as I'm the one to nurse him back to health."

Childe whistled. "Damn." 

"Hear that, Pantalone?" Zhongli squatted down by Dottore and placed his hand flat on his chest, sliding it down to his stomach. "Dottore wants so badly to be violated by Tartaglia and I." 

"Shut up!" Pantalone gritted his teeth. 

"Shut up? You're telling me to shut up?" Zhongli walked slowly over to Pantalone, cracking his knuckles. He grabbed Pantalone's shirt so hard his fingernails tore through it as he picked him up off of the chair. "If you open your mouth again I will personally cut off your dick and replace it with one of the ones you've kept in jars all of this time. It won't be a nice transfer either. Your urethra will be so fucked up you'll bleed while pissing for the rest of your life. You won't want to get turned on, that is if you still can, because the pain will be too much for you to handle. Imagine that for a second. Not being able to have sex with your favorite sex clone and then think twice before opening that goddamn mouth of yours." 

Zhongli shoved his fingers into Pantalone's mouth and grabbed his tongue, pulling it out of his mouth as far as it would go. "Your personal walking talking dildo over there said he didn't care what happened to you. But I do. I care a lot about what happens to you, Pantalone, because you touched what's mine after I warned you. You had the audacity. Ordinarily, I would admire that in a man but the fact you're still breathing pisses me off." Zhongli let go of his tongue and grabbed his face so his palm covered the entirety of it. He picked him up by the head and threw him over his shoulder to slam him back down to the ground on his back, hard enough to break the chair Pantalone was tied to. It splintered, stabbing his back in multiple places. Pantalone gasped for air. 

"Look who opened his mouth," a shadow cast itself over Zhongli's face as he looked down at Pantalone. He slammed his foot beside his head. Pantalone's expression turned three shades paler. He glanced at Dottore, still sitting quietly. 

"How do you feel about an impotent boyfriend?" Childe asked, leaning his arm against Dottore's shoulder. 

"There is more than one way to feel good," Dottore smiled. 

"Lucky for you, Pantalone," Zhongli pointed at Dottore, "you've created such a loving man for yourself that his purity soothes me." Zhongli walked over to the haphazard lab equipment and opened drawers, searching for something. Once he found it, he moved back to Pantalone. 

"I'm going to help you keep that mouth shut, out of the kindness of my heart," Zhongli held up a threaded needle. Pantalone shifted, scooting away from Zhongli but the wood in his back hurt. He'd already lost a lot of blood. Zhongli grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at his face, and pressed his lips together with his fingers, shoving the needle through with force alone. 

"Let's see how much audacity you've got left in you when the night's over," Zhongli continued stitching. He bit the thread with his teeth to cut it and then made a knot in the shape of a small bow.  

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