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"I'm surprised you have something like this," Zhongli stared down at himself. It was definitely snug. He pressed his finger against the edge, trying to cover one of his dicks only for the other one to expose itself. He sighed, giving up. It was lacey, and not intended at all for male usage, but Childe's eyes lit up with glee, so he ignored all of that. The stockings were another matter. They'd managed to fit his legs but threatened to snap at any minute. Zhongli didn't dare look at himself in the mirror. The horrendous sight of a muscular man with tattoos wearing this... he didn't want to imagine it let alone look at it. 

"I would make you wear something up top too but you're already injured. Such a shame," Childe sighed, wiping his eye. "Will you get on your knees for me?" Childe grinned. 

Zhongli got on his knees, placing his hands on his thighs. He stared up at Childe. "Was this what you wanted, Master?" he snickered. 

"I could get used to-" Childe heard the door open and sat on Zhongli's lap. He didn't care who the hell it was he just didn't want them to see Zhongli's exposed dicks. He crossed his legs, trying to keep a straight face, as Pantalone walked in. 

"Word reached my ears that you'd captured the wealthiest man in the city-" Pantalone stared at the scene but his face didn't reveal anything. "Is this what you're doing with him?" 

"The best way to torture a man is to make him feel exposed," Childe replied, reaching up behind him to grab Zhongli's hair and pull his head forward. "There is nothing worse than being intimate with the enemy, right?" Zhongli pressed his lips together in a firm line, glaring at Childe. "See? He hates it but can't do a thing about it thanks to the death trap around his neck. Isn't that hilarious?" 

"May I borrow your toy for a moment, Tartaglia?" Pantalone smiled politely. 

"Oh, I wouldn't do that..." Childe let go of Zhongli's hair. 

"I thought you had him under control?" Pantalone crossed his arms. 

Childe stood up. Pantalone blinked. And Zhongli moved behind Pantalone, grabbing his neck and tilting his head. He glared down at Pantalone, eyes wild, and teeth bared. He dug his nails into his skin, making him bleed, about to snap his neck in half until Childe said something. 

"Just because I have him collared doesn't mean he won't fight back against you. I'm the one with the remote," Childe smiled warmly. He held up the remote in his hand. "Sit." Zhongli refused to release Pantalone's throat. "I said sit," Childe repeated. He pressed a button on the remote and Zhongli's collar electrocuted him. He winced, grabbing his throat and sitting down. He leaned over, resting his head on the floor, groaning. 

"Couldn't you just give me the remote as well?" Pantalone rubbed his throat with his hand. 

"Eh?" Childe's face lost its light. He glared at Pantalone. "Do you think I'm dumb enough to hand over a walking timebomb to someone who would be the most likely to set it off in my direction?" Childe walked over to Zhongli and stepped on his head, shoving his face into the floor. "This is my toy, Pantalone," his eyes narrowed. "Go get your own." 

Dead Dove (Do Not Eat) [ZhongChi]Where stories live. Discover now