Chapter 1

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On a dark rainy night, a skeleton crew of schnee workers finish loading up an Bullhead with dust.

Worker 1 : Alright she's good to go!

???: Roger that. I'll see you guys later.

The Bullhead takes off as someone runs towards it.


Worker 2: Aren't you the pilot?

Worker 1: Then who-?

Pilot: COME BACK!!

In the pilot seat of the air craft sat a young man tossing the headset off and pulling out a scroll and making a call.

Y/N: This is captain Y/N requesting permission to land at-

???: Do you really have to do this? Just land the damn thing.

Y/N: kill.

Bringing it down at a nearby dock yard he opens the cargo hold and confidently struts off the ship....after helping himself to a couple of various dust shards. Other people begin to unload the cargo and Y/N walks up to a man in a bowler hat.

Y/N: I believe you owe me 20 lein.

???: *Tsk* You just got lucky.

The man grabs some money from his pocket and tosses it over towards Y/N.

Y/N: Well Torchwick, let's see you do better. Oh wait! You can't. That's why they hired me.

Roman: Big ego much?

Y/N: I'd say a healthy amount.

Y/N continuously tosses and catches the lien as he stares at the people unloading the dust.

Y/N: Are you ever gonna tell me why one man needs so much dust?

Roman: That is on a need to know basis and fortunately for me, You don't need to know.

Y/N catches the lien and pockets it.

Y/N: Fair enough. Need anything else?

Roman: No. You may leave and......I don't with the other children.

Y/N: Very funny. Well, I'll be around if you have another job.

Y/N peaks outside and sees the rain letting up. Checking the time he sees it's almost midnight.

Y/N: *Sigh* Not many places are gonna be open at this hour..... except maybe.....

He starts to walk towards the downtown district of Vale.


After a bit of walking Y/N had arrived at the front doors of Junior's. A club that caters to those looking to have some fun at night, while also dealing in various shady practices.

Y/N: I hope the kitchen is still open.

As he reaches for the door a man comes flying out and is knocked unconscious.

Y/N: .......Huh......

Stepping over the man he walks into the club and sees it practically destroyed. A blonde girl held the owner by his neck while henchmen laid around. Some were injured and others knocked out cold.

Owner: H-h-he can tell you more! H-he works with him!

???: Really?

The woman drops him and starts walking towards Y/N.

Y/N: Something tells me you're not gonna ask for my number. Unless....

???: Nope.

Y/N: Damn.

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