Chapter 2

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Weiss: So all we have to go off on is a picture of someone we've never seen before?

Blake: Seems like it.

Yang: It's not like anyone else had any luck finding Torchwick.

Ruby: So what you're saying is it's up to us to track down this mysterious suspect.

Yang: And I know exactly where to start looking.


Team RWBY walked towards Juniors bar and see it practically in runes and police . The team stare at Yang.

Yang: To be wasn't all just me.


Y/N tosses and turns in his bed.

Y/N: No.....please.....Not again......Not Again!

He jolts awakes and quickly sweeps his gun around. Heavily breathing and lightly sweating.

Y/N: *Sigh*

He gets up and walks into the bathroom. A flickering light, broken stalls and half of a sink weren't the best, but it was better than nothing. Turning on the faucet he washes his face and stares at himself in the mirror. A small crack in the center of the mirror seemed to be his focus. Taking a deep breath he smiled.

Y/N: "You're never fully dressed without one...."

He muttered.

Grabbing his things and hopping over the fence Y/N checked his scroll and saw an unread message.

Y/N: "Do you not know the term low profile? Get back here asap!" That.... doesn't sound good. Then again Torchwick is kinda always mad so in a sense this is normal.

As he rounds a corner he stops upon seeing the army of police and Atlus units in front of Junior's. He quickly hops back and presses himself behind the wall.

Y/N: That.....was close.

Peaking from around the corner, He sprints across the street diving behind some trash cans for cover. He quickly stands and dusts himself off.

Y/N: Note to self. Find a new route home.

While walking he was unaware of the group of girl's following him closely.

Ruby: That's definitely him.

Blake: No doubt.

Yang: Ha! I was right!

Weiss: Quiet!

Y/N hearing the loud noise turns and sees no one. Except a news stand.

Y/N: .......Hmmm....must be my imagination.

He continues to walk as Team RWBY peaks from behind the stand.

Blake: That was close.

Weiss: Yang!

Yang: Sorry...

Ruby: Let's move!

Weiss: Ruby! Quiet!

Ruby: But you're yelling!

Blake: Girls.

Weiss: I'm yelling because you're yelling!

Blake: Girls...

Yang: So what? You can tell, but we can't?

Weiss: That's not-!

Blake: Girls!

Blake takes off running.

As the trio look around the corner of the stand they see Y/N running with Blake chasing after him.

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