Chapter 16

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(Meanwhile Downstairs....)

Alice manages to lit the fire as Leon checks a nearby fridge.

Leon: Empty.

Alice: Yea that figures... Least we brought food.

Leon: Should we ask Y/N to-

Alice: Absolutely not.

Leon: Isn't it his turn to cook? Plus, haven't you been teaching him?

Alice: Y/N is.....well....

Leon: He hasn't improved much has he?

Alice: I'd rather look on the bright side. For example nothing he makes can kill us anymore.

Leon: Is that because he became a better medic or a better cook?

Alice: ..............Huh....

Leon: *Chuckles* I'll prepare the food.

Shane: Upstairs is clear!

Shane and Y/N meet back up with the others.

Alice: Find anything?

Y/N: Whoever lived here left in a hurry.

Shane: In short free house!

Y/N: That's not-

Shane: Our own winter lounge! We can come here and relax on the weekends and maybe invite a couple of Huntress and-


Alice once again knocks him into the ground.

Shane: *Muffle sounds of pain*

Y/N: If I help you, your not gonna learn your lesson.

Y/N sits on the floor and begins to read. As Alice and Leon begin to set the plates.

Shane: Pain....


The team decided to sleep in the upstairs rooms. Shane and Leon in one room and Alice and Y/N in the other.

Y/N: You know I could sleep in the other room. Privacy and all.

Alice: Yea....but I'd be too nervous to sleep without anyone here.

Y/N: Wouldn't white noise work?

Alice: Pleeeeeeeeease??

Y/N sighs as he is unable to bring himself to say no to Alice.

Y/N: Okay fine.

Alice: Thank you.

She responds with a smile that causes Y/N to blush lightly.

Alice: Do you....think we could practice?

Y/N: Again?

Alice: Last time. I promise!

Y/N: Fine, Let me get the mask.


Shane tries to sleep as Leon tosses and turns in his sleeping bag.

Shane: Something bothering you Leon?

Leon: No. Just some trouble getting to sleep.

Shane: Trouble falling asleep or annoyed your not the one sharing a room with Alice.

Leon: ...........

Shane: Your silence speaks volumes.

Leon slowly zips up his sleeping bag.

Shane: So I take it you haven't asked her out yet?

Leon: ..... I'm working on it.

Shane: Amazing! The one thing our leader fears!

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