Chapter 25

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         <Current Objective>

Y/N carefully listened to the sounds of the forest around him. The rustling of the leaves, the wind blowing past him, and the sounds of the various small animals running around made it difficult to predict where an attack might come from. The light from the campfire made the shadows of the trees seem more sinister.

A flurry of knives came shooting out from the tree tops as Y/N somehow managed to dodge them. Pulling out his weapons, he begins to fire away at the tree tops in hopes of hitting something. All is silent until he hears the wind blow out the fire. As he shifts his attention back towards the tree tops, he's suddenly kicked square in the chin. He flips back and lands on his feet. As he looks back up, his attacker is mere inches away from his face and starts to unleash a flurry of attacks. Y/N manages to parry a couple of attacks, but some make a connection. He teleports backward to create some distance.

Y/N: Ugh...oh boy...

Even with a small distance teleport, Y/N felt as if he used a lot more energy than intended. He stumbles a bit before blocking a rush attack. His eyes land on his medical bag that is just slightly poked out from the tent. He tosses his attacker and dashes towards the bag.

Y/N: Come on, come on, yes!

Before he could celebrate something, knock the bag out of his hands and into the fire.

Y/N: There was adrenaline in—

A sharp kick to the jaw knocks him back. Trying to get up, he's stopped by his attacker, pointing a blade to his throat. With little energy left, he throws his hands up in surrender.

Y/N: *Sigh* I give... just... make it quick.

As the blade started to graze his skin, a ringing sound made Y/N wince. His attacker looked over their shoulder as someone approached.

???: That was very disappointing. I've must admit I was kinda hoping for something a little more.....flashy.

Y/N: And you are?

The man laughs

???: You're still just as cold-hearted.

He crouches down next Y/N, and the campfire illuminates his face. Y/N's eyes go wide, and his breathing becomes shaky.

Y/N: ....Thats.....that's not p-possible....Shane?

He snickers as he tussle Y/N's hair.

Shane: So surprised. Why wouldn't you be? You did leave us to die after all.

He pulls off the mask of the attacker pinning Y/N to the ground. Tears started to flow from Y/N as he laid eyes on Alice. He tries to stand only to be pushed down.

Alice: We have a job to do.

Shane: That's right! We do, but....Adam didn't say we couldn't have fun with it.

Y/N: You're working for the White Fangs? Their nothing but trouble!

Shane: Didn't stop you, did it?

Y/N: ......

Shane: Alice.

Alice: Yes?

Shane: Take care of him.

With those words, Shane disappeared into the forest.

Y/N: Alice... I thought you two were gone.

Alice: Save it.

She lifts her blades high into the air, ready for the kill. Y/n tries his best to wiggle free, but his exhaustion was finally setting in. Even with the adrenaline pumping, he could barely keep his eyes open. As Alice tries to plunge her blade into Y/N, he closes his eyes, and for a brief moment, he thinks of Yang.

Alice: Die.

Y/N teleports away from Alice and makes a break for it.

Y/N: If I die here, Yang's gonna kill me!

Alice: Grr....

He ran as fast as he could through the forest, trying to think of what to do. Just then, he hears something flying above and passing him.

Y/N: The rally point!—

His thoughts are interrupted as several knives are flung towards his direction but hit the trees beside him. The sounds of an engine ready to take off grow louder and louder until he slams into Mercury, and they both tumble to the floor.

Emerald: Oh hey. You finally made it.

Mercury: You're late. *grunts*

Y/N: There's in the woods!

He blurted out as Emerald and Mercury stared at the forest. Nothing, but the wind blew.

Emerald: Uh huh... Did you get the tents?

Y/N: What?

Mercury: The tents. You said you were going to get them and meet us back here.

Y/N: No, I didn't?

Emerald: So, that's a no on the tents or...

Y/N: Weren't you the one suggesting to stay the night? What happened to that idea?

Mercury: What are you talking about?

Emerald took out her scroll and showed Y/N a video.

(Video Play)

It was after he defeated the Beowolves. It showed Emerald and Mercury taking down two of the three wolves as Y/N took down the last.

Emerald: Alright, I'd say we call that a day and head home.

Mercury: Yea... a nap sounds good about now.

Y/N: I'll get the tents. Call the drop ship.

Emerald: Need any help?

Y/N: No. I've got this.

He walks off.

(Video End)

Emerald: You were gone for so long we thought about just taking off.

Y/N: That's not what......

Mercury: Say something?

Y/N: That's not what happened! I-I-I No, we all were—

Emerald: Deny it all you want. The video says otherwise.

Y/N: But—

Mercury: Can we argue about this once we're back at Beacon?

As the Bullhead lowers its ramp, Mercury and Emerald make their way in as Y/N looks back at the forest.

Y/N: It was real.....wasn't it?

He climbs into the bullhead, breathing a sigh of relief... or perhaps of frustration. He remembers the look Alice gave as Shane's words echoed in his head.

( "You left us to die." )

Y/N: I didn't....

( "You left us to die." )

Y/N: There was nothing I could....

( "You left us to die." )

He looks over Emerald. He then looks over towards Mercury but sees Shane sitting in his spot.

He jumps up and draws his weapons.

Emerald: What are you doing?!

Y/N: Its—?!

He sees Mercury holding his hands up in surrender.

Y/N: I...I'm sorry.

Mercury: All good.

Y/N shoved himself into a corner of the Bullhead. Emerald and Mercury sat back down with Emerald biting her lips, trying to stifle a laugh.

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