Chapter 17

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Y/N and Yang found themselves at an arcade trying out various games for fun until it quickly evolved into a competition. Locked in a battle of Air hockey the two moved at blazing speeds as on lookers gazed in amazement and others backed away for there safety. The duo stopped at an arcade machine called "Vale Dance Revolution". Yang smirks at Y/N.

Y/N: No.

Yang: What? Scared I'll destroy you?

Y/N strikes a pose

Y/N: As If. Just worried you wouldn't be able to keep up with me.

Yang: Big talk from the Air hockey loser.

Y/N: Are we dancing or what?


(The Crowbar)

Y/N and Yang clanked their glasses together. Yang began to down her drink as Y/N sat amazed at her feat.

Yang: ~Gah!~ That hits the spot.

Y/N: this.

He attempts to down his drink only to get about half and starts to cough. Yang laughs while hitting the table.

Yang: That wasn't even close!

Y/N: *Cough* *Cough* less laughing more patting!

With one hard slap to the back she "saves" Y/N.

Yang: Barkeep! Another!

Y/N: You really need slow down on these.

Yang: I need to forget....the pain....the humiliation....

Y/N: I didn't think losing at dancing would destroy you mentally.

Yang: You cheated.

Y/N: Oh grow up.

Yang: The sun was in my eyes.

Y/N: "My dad works for the Vale Revolution company!"

Yang and Y/N glare at each other before laughing.

Y/N: This....was a fun Afternoon.

Yang: Almost makes you forget how mad Goodwitch is gonna be later.

Y/N: Almost.

Yang: We're gonna be in so much trouble.

Y/N: Yep. Cheers.

Y/N and Yang let out a small gasp when finishing their drinks.

Yang: Ahh...we should probably head back.

After paying Y/N stares at Yang as she walks back to "Bumblebee" and starts it.

Yang: Hm? You okay?

Y/N: Yea! ....... Just think I might have caught something.

Yang: Something like?

Y/N: Can't tell you.

Yang: Aw what??

Y/N holds Yang tightly as she revs the motorcycle and takes off. Yang felt him squeeze slightly tighter then before.

Yang: You sure your okay?

Y/N: I'm fine! Really!

He shouted. In reality he was far from okay. His heart felt like it could explode out from his chest and he was fully aware of why. As they pull up to Beacon Academy Yang removes her helmet and realizes that Y/N is still holding on tightly to her.

Yang: Y/N -

Y/N: Thank you for today...

Y/N kept his face pressed against her back.

Y/N: It's been awhile since I had fun with someone....

Yang: Are you forgetting when we first hung out?

Y/N: Can you even remember what happened?

Yang: ....Fair enough.

Y/N: Maybe....we can do this again?

Yang giggles

Yang: You know... Your cute when your nervous.

Y/N: S-s-shut up.

Yang smirks as she teases Y/N a bit.

Yang: Su-

Goodwitch: (L/N) and Miss Xiao Long.

Y/N: Uh oh.

Miss Goodwitch slowly approached the duo. She crossed her arms clearly annoyed.

Miss Goodwitch: Care to explain why you two weren't in class?

Y/N slowly reaches for the ignition key as Yang stops him.

Yang: We wouldn't get far.

Y/N looks back at Miss Goodwitch who is now giving him an icy glare.

Y/N: *Sigh* ...... Fu-

(Sometime later...)

Y/N and Yang sat on the floor while getting a lecture from Miss Goodwitch. Y/N rubbed his head in pain after being hit with a riding crop multiple times.

Miss Goodwitch: Attending class is not a yes or no option it is a must and it is imperative for your learning!

Y/N & Yang: We're sorry.

Miss Goodwitch: Now....Miss Xiao Long. You are dismissed.

Yang: What about Y/N?

Miss Goodwitch: I need a word with him in private.

Yang leaves the room as Y/N closes his eyes and braces himself for more riding crop hits. Instead he feels a warm embrace.

Goodwitch: I was worried about you. I thought you.....

Her grip tighten as Y/N remembers the last time she had hugged him like this. Right after the Mount Gleen incident. Shortly after he left without saying a word to anyone.

Y/N: .... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry....

Looking at Goodwitch he sees several tears streaming down her cheeks.

Goodwitch: *Ahem* Forgive me I must compose myself.

She says wiping away the tears.

Goodwitch: I never asked.... How are you finding life back here?

Y/N: Better then I expect actually.

He began to tell her about some of the things that had happened since coming back 4 months ago. Y/N stops himself after realizing how long he'd been talking.

Goodwitch: Hm? Is something wrong?

Y/N lets out a heavy sigh.

Goodwitch: You still think about them don't you?

Y/N: How could I not?

He lowers his head as he begins to feel guilt creeping over him. Miss Goodwitch starts to stroke his hair as she thinks for a bit.

Goodwitch: I know moving on is a hard thing to do, but it is something you must do... otherwise you'll never be able to be happy.

Y/N: .........

Goodwitch: Although... the first step will have to be made at a later time.

Y/N: Huh?

A quick snap of the riding crop caused Y/N to tense up again.

Goodwitch: I would like to know why you started to drag my students out of my classes.

Y/N: Uhh....I was kinda hoping we were past this?

Goodwitch places a hand on his shoulder.

Goodwitch: Not by a long shot.

Y/N: For old time sake? Please?

Goodwitch walks over to her door and locks it giving Y/N a bone chilling side glare.

Y/N: I should have gone to jail.

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