Chapter 4

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Torchwick fired at Team RWBY. Just barely missing them each time. Ruby uses her semblance to quickly close the gap between them and tries to slice the hull of the Mech open.

Torchwick: Not gonna work.

A small electric pulse throws Ruby off. Blake swings from various directions and open fires on Torchwick.

Torchwick: Annoying little....

The floor underneath him is suddenly frozen. Torchwick struggles to keep the mech standing as slides in and punches it's leg. Tipping it over in the process. It lands in Ruby's cross hair.

Ruby: Firing!

She shoots at the hull managing to damage it significantly.

Weiss: Keep up the pressure! That hull can't take much more of this!


Y/N Sat on the floor. He tugs the handcuffs again.

Y/N: .......This sucks.


Keeping up the pressure the battle was going Team RWBY's way until Torchwick fires off several rockets. Each one heading off in random directions.

Blake: Look out!!

Ruby using her semblance speeds off in various directions easily dodging the rockets. Weiss creates an almost impenetrable wall of ice to shield herself and Blake and Yang manages to grab a missile and toss it away.

Henchmen: Boss! The Bullheads is ready to lift off!

Torchwick: Then have them take off!

Several Bullheads begin taking off. Torchwick is able to now stand the mech up.

Torchwick: Okay.... playtime is over!

Y/N: My thoughts exactly!

Y/N runs past Weiss and Blake with a dust shard in hand.

Y/N: Blondie!

Yang turns and sees Y/N reaching for her. She nods and grabs his hands and tosses him as hard as she could towards Torchwick.

Torchwick: Don't you children ever learn?!

Y/N slams onto the hull of the Paladin.

Y/N: You dropped something!

Dropping the shard and leaping off the Paladin, Y/N takes aim and fires at the shard causing a massive explosion tossing him and the Paladin back. Torchwick is unable to get the mech moving as the hull completely shatters.

Torchwick: *Tsk* ...... Looks like you won this round.

He hops out as a Bullhead drops a ladder down for him. Y/N stumbled to his feet as he tried to catch up with Torchwick.

Y/N: H-Hey!

He pulls out his weapon and fires several shots at the fleeing Torchwick, but misses each one. The pain from his bullet wound sets in.

Y/N: Agh!

He drops to on knee and watches as Torchwick files away. As Y/N tries his best to over come the pain he hears police sirens in the distance.

Y/N: That's my que to leave...

Turning to leave he sees team RWBY standing in his way.

Weiss: Where do you think you're going?

Y/N: ......You do hear that right? The "wee woo" sounds in the distance? That is very bad news to me.

Weiss: Panicking as any Ne'er-do-weller would be.

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