Chapter 31

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(Long Ago....)

It had been quite a long week. Making sure a myriad of things were running as smoothly as possible. Dealing with several piles of paperwork and in just a few days, a promotion. Just the thought of being able to move up ranks was enough to keep me going. However, they would be put on hold when we received an emergency assignment. A search and rescue mission.

Dispatcher: The team was last seen heading towards Mount Glenn. They were supposed to report in two days ago, but they never did.

Winter: What were they doing out there?

Dispatcher: From what we could gather, they wanted to push for one more mission before their break.

Winter: Weren't they aware of the weather conditions?

Dispatcher: You'll have to ask them when you find them.

Pilot: We're fast approaching last known location.

The Bullhead lands in a dense snow-covered forest. I and six other Atlus soldiers quickly set up a small base of operations.

Winter: Your three stay here, and lock down the area. Be prepared if we need a swift exit.

Atlus Solders: Yes, sir!

Winter: Do you have a lock on their scroll?

Altus Soldier 1: Yes, this way.

It didn't take long for us to find the scroll. Along with claw marks on several trees heading in two different directions.

Atlus Solder 2: Two different areas to check. What's the call?

Winter: You both follow the path heading right. I'll follow the beacon. Keep your radio on in case.

Atlus Solders 1: Roger. Stay safe, commander.

As I followed the claw marks. I couldn't help but get this uneasy feeling in my chest. The further I traveled from my team, the darker the forest seemed to grow.

*Beep beep*

Atlus Solder 1: Commander. You're gonna wanna see this.

Quickly grabbing my scroll, a live feed of what the others see is patched through. A small cabin that was torn to shreds. Broken doors, equipment thrown everywhere....they were snuck up on.

Atlus Solder 2: Nothing upstairs....but it looks like they scramble to fight.

My uneasy feeling got worse.

Winter: Regroup to my location.

The glimmer of shell casings on the ground caught my attention. Along with several trees that were either cut in half or broken, it was clear that fighting had taken place. Upon closer examination, blood could be seen faintly coating the snow.

Winter: One of them was injured...

A nearby cave....I don't know why, but something inside me told me I'd found what I was looking I moved closer to the small cave, I grew tense.

Atlus Solder 1: Commander! Have you- Commander?

Winter: .........

Atlus Solder 2: Commander Schnee?

(General Pov)

*Beep Beep*

Winter: This is Commander Schnee.....we've located the missing hunters....

Inside the small cave laid two bodies frozen stiff...

Atlus Solder 1: Damn...

Atlus Solder 2: We....still have two unaccounted for....sir...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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