Chapter 15

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In a clearing on the side of Mount Gleen a group of Hunters await the return of their leader....

Y/N: I hate everything about this mission.

Alice: Aw...Come on Y/N! Fresh air! Beautiful scenery! What's there to hate?

Y/N: The cold, the Grimm, nature in general.

Shane: If only the others could join me in this winter wonderland.

Y/N: By "The Others" I assume you mean-

Shane: The most beautiful Huntresses in the world joining in with me making snow angels and cuddling together next to a roaring fire enjoying hot coco! And just as we sit underneath the stars we gaze at each other with a loving look in our eyes before we-

Alice throws a punch hitting Shane into the ground.

Alice: You can just stop right there.

Shane: *Muffled* M-me-medic....

Y/N: Yea, Yea....

As Y/N starts to pull Shane out from the ground thier leader Leon gives a hearty laugh as he returns to his team.

Leon: I see everyone is getting along as usual.

Y/N: Only when your around.

Leon: Nonsense Y/N! We're all family here.

Y/N: When was that decided?

Leon: The day we became a team.

Alice: Mhm. As long as we're together we watch each other's back and take care of one another.

Shane: Ahh Y/N. When will that cold little heart of yours realize that your family has been infront of you all this time? And hey....maybe one day you can get a beautiful girl of-

Y/N sticks a neddle into Shane shoulder causing him to gasp and tense up.

Y/N: This should help you with any headache.

Shane: You little-!

Alice: See? You two always argue like brothers do.

Y/N & Shane: As If.

Leon: Back to the mission. Y/N. What can you tell us?

Y/N pulls out his scroll and opens some documents.

Y/N: A village nearby needs Grimm extermination. A reported 6 to 9 were seen, but there isn't a reason not to expect more might be lurking nearby.

Shane: Great! So we can get this over with quickly and be back in time for the Christmas party.

Y/N: It....might not be that easy.

Alice: How so?

Y/N: The weather is making it hard to pinpoint exactly where this village is and if there's a snowstorm-

Shane: Snowstorm? Look how clear this weather is!

Leon: Though I do appreciate the positive thinking Shane, we still must approach this with some level of caution. Alice? How do our supply's look?

Alice: Enough for a day or two....if needed.

Leon: Alright, Team Vanguard lets-!

*Beep Beep Beep*

Y/N: Incoming message.

A video pops up on Y/N's scroll.

Glynda: Hello students. I hope you are all well.

Y/N: We're-

Y/N is suddenly pushed down by his team as they crowd in front of his scroll.

Leon/Shane/Alice: Miss Goodwitch!

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