Chapter 5

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Y/N: Really? Just like that?

Ozpin: Just like that. Oh and we'll have a room ready for you first thing tomorrow. For tonight you should bunk with Miss Goodwitch.

Y/N & Goodwitch: Excuse me?!

Ozpin: Well....we can't just leave a student out in the cold.

Goodwitch: Sir! This is highly inappropriate!

Ozpin: There is nothing inappropriate about this. Not unless-

Goodwitch glares at Ozpin

Ozpin: Nevermind. Besides it'll just be for tonight. Tomorrow he'll have his own room and back into class. Now, if you'll excuse me.

Ozpin leaves Y/N and Glynda in his office still trying to process the current situation.

Y/N: .........I could just sleep on one of the benches in the training room.

Goodwitch: You could.....*Sigh* but as a teacher I cannot ignore a student in need.

Once the elevator comes back up she steps inside and motions towards Y/N.

Goodwitch: Come along.

Quietly Y/N walks over and stands next to her. Neither one saying anything. As the door open she began to lead the way towards her roof. Only the sounds of the wind and *Click clacking* of her heels hitting the floors could be heard.

Y/N: (I just want today to be over with...)

They came to a stop at a door that looked fancier than a lot of the others on campus. The plaque on the door read *Miss Goodwitch* In fancy writing. As she opens the door she stops and turns to Y/N.

Goodwitch: You are not to tell anyone about tonight. Understood?

Y/N: I-

*Glynda Glare*

Y/N: Yes mam. Understood.

Goodwitch: Good.

They both head inside. A desk with neatly stacked papers, a very fancy looking lamp, a large bed, a tea set, a chess board, a mirror and several books decorated Goodwitch's room.

Y/N: (How much do teachers get paid?!)

Y/N was in awe of how organized and clean her room was. She snaps her fingers and brings his attention back.

Goodwitch: For our sleeping arrangements-

Y/N: I'll just take the corner of the room.

Goodwitch: The...The corner?

Y/N: Is this the bathroom?

Goodwitch: Y-Yes.

Y/N: Do you mind if I freshen up before I go to bed?

Goodwitch: By all means.

Y/N heads inside and finds the bathroom is just as fancy as the rest of her room.

Y/N: She is a very "Elegant" person...

After finishing up his shower he changes his bandage and re-enters the room seeing Goodwitch sitting at her desk.
Y/N walks over towards the corner of the room and lays against the wall.

Goodwitch: Here.

She hands him some medicine.

Y/N: Ah! Just what I ordered.

Goodwitch: ..............

Y/N: Get it? Because I'm- Nevermind.

Y/N downs the meds as Goodwitch sits at her desk.

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