Chapter 22

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( Y/N Pov )

I stood in front of Team Rwby's dorm. I don't know if it was hours or minutes when I stood there.

Weiss: Aren't you gonna knock?

Y/N: Yea....Yea, knocking would be a start.

I raise my hand to knock.

Y/N: ......

Weiss: ......

Y/N: This is harder than I thought.

Weiss: You're a combat medic. That shouldn't be the case.

Y/N: Treating wounds is one thing. Social interactions are another thing entirely, but I'm gonna have to face that challenge eventually...

I knocked twice.

Ruby: Who is it?

Y/N: ......

Ruby: .....Hello?

I couldn't find it in me to respond. The more I thought about their reactions, the more I became nervous....especially when all my thoughts raced back to seeing Yang again.

Ruby: Hellooo?

Weiss: What are you doing?

Y/N: *Whispering* I'm panicking!

Weiss: *Whispering* Pull yourself together!

( General Pov )

Ruby: Weiss? is that-

The door opens as Ruby comes face to face with Y/N. She stares blankly as Blake hops out of her bunk and stands next to her.

Y/N: ....Surprise?

Ruby reaches towards him and stretches his cheeks.

Y/N: Ow! Ow! Ow!

Ruby: He's real!

She hugs Y/N, and he grunts in pain. Blake continues to pinch Y/N face in disbelief.

Blake: You're alive?

She asked, still processing him being there.

Y/N: Yeah. I'm still here.

He said while slowly trying to peel Ruby off of him. Looking around, he decides not to point out the obvious and explains to the two how he survived. Ruby helps him sit on her bed as nervously eyes how unstable thier "Bunk beds" were.

Weiss: Their much more stable than they look.

Even with that reassurance, he was still nervous about the whole thing. After explaining to the two how he survived, Ruby eyes gleamed with amazement.

Ruby: That's so cool! It's like you slowed down time enough to make a life-saving decision!

Y/N: You make it sound so bizarre.

Ruby: I know I just - Ahh!

She gives another hug to Y/N.

Ruby: Yang is gonna be so happy.

Y/N chuckled nervously.

Y/N: W-where is she anyway?

Blake: Training.

Weiss: Of course.

Ruby: Wanna go see her?

Y/N: No... I think it's best if I let her finish her workout.

Ruby: O-okay...

Y/N: Did anything important happen while I was out?

Ruby began telling Y/N about various events that occurred in the school with Blake and Weiss occasionally chiming in. Sitting there listening to them talk about their lives made Y/N feel like they were a family. A brother listening to his sisters go on about their days. It made him think about his actual family... how long had it been since he's seen his mom or dad. He'd need a word with Ozpin about it later.

Ruby: Long story short, Norra is currently banned from like half of the school's clubs.

Y/N: Are the others okay?

Blake: They survived the fire.

Y/N: I'll take that as a yes.

Weiss: By the way.... I wanted to ask you about

Yang: I'm back—

The door swings open as Yang walks in, only to stop upon locking eyes with Y/N. The only sound made was the sound of Yang dropping her bag on the floor. Y/N grunted as he stood and walked over to Yang, who still stood practically frozen.

Yang: You're... How are you...

Blake: We're just gonna leave you two alone.

Ruby: But—!

Blake: Move it.

Weiss: It was just getting good...

Blake: Now.

She quickly shoves Ruby and Weiss out and closes the door. Y/N watched as Yang slowly approached him.

Y/N: I— Ow!

Yang starts to pinch his cheeks. After several painful seconds, she lets go.

Y/N: Ouch!  You really need a better way to check if someone's real...

Yang: Sorry, I just...

Tears started to stream down Yangs cheeks quicker than she could wipe them away.

Yang: I just... I just...

Y/N embraces Yang. He held her tightly, not wanting to let her go.

Yang: *Sniff* I .... I....

She buried her face in Y/N's shoulder and began to cry.

Y/N: I know what it feels like to lose people you care for.... and I'm sorry I put you through that...

Yang pushes Y/N away and wipes away her tears. She extends a pinkie out towards him.

Yang: Promise me you won't do that again.

Y/N smiles and locks his pinky with hers.

Y/N: I promise.

Yang: Good.

With one quick motion, she pulls Y/N and plants her lips against his. Once done, she smiles at Y/N, who is left blushing and uttering incoherently.

Yang: You okay there hot stuff?

Y/N: jfjrskskksakkskao—


Y/N: *Ahem* I'm fine.

Yang: Good.

The door burst open as Ruby, Blake, and Weiss tumble in.

Weiss: R-Ruby! I told you not to spy on them!

Ruby: What!? I would neve— it was Blake's idea!

Blake: Hey!

Yang and Y/N sigh as the trio tries to assign blame to one another.


The masked assailant stares at Beacon Academy through a pair of binoculars. They spot Y/N walking through the school hand in hand with Yang and grip the binoculars tightly, almost breaking them. Shortly after another figure joins them.

Mask 1: Are you okay?

Mask 2: Yea, I'm fine.

Mask 1: A-are you sure we wanna do this? We already failed once...

Mask 2: YOU failed.

Mask 1: I...

Mask 2: Alice...I didn't realize our deaths meant nothing to you.

Alice: N-No I didn't mean—

Mask 2: If you wanna let Y/N go on and live a happy life after leaving us for dead, be my guest, but let me ask you something.... Could you live with yourself after what he did to Leon?

Alice: ......No.

Mask 2: Good.

Alice: Shane...what's our next move?

Shane laughs.

Shane: We wait for our moment to strike.

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