Chapter 19

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Y/N: Hi.....

Yang: .......

Y/N: are you?

Yang: ........

Y/N: We haven't talked since....well, we don't have to talk about that.

Yang: ........

Y/N: *Ahem* Do you wanna-

Once the bell rings, Yang gathers her things and leaves.

Y/N: Catch you later then? *Sigh*....

Blake: Yikes.

Weiss: That was painful to watch.

Ruby: It... wasn't that bad...

Ever since their sparring match, Yang has been seemingly avoiding Y/N.

Ruby: We were gonna head to town...wanna come with?

Y/N: Yea.....

He slams his hand onto the desk and stands.

Y/N: Mark my words, Ruby! I will get your beautiful sister to talk to me!


Ruby: You called Yang-

Y/N: I meant hot-no! I meant...S-s-shut up!

He grabs his things and leaves in embarrassment. He walks with Blake, Weiss, and Ruby to the bullhead. Ruby currently has a big grin on her face.

Ruby: Soooo Y/N...

Y/N: Hm?

Ruby: What exactly do you like about my sister?

Y/N: I do not -

Blake: Yea, you do.

Y/N: I-I do not -

Weiss: Yes, you do.

Y/N: .........Fine I do.

Ruby: Aw! He's blushing!

Y/N whips out a syringe and glares at Ruby, who hides behind Weiss.

Weiss: Don't drag me into this!

Y/N scratches his head in frustration.

Y/N: I'm at a loss here. Blake, what would a character from that book series do?

Blake: Um...well, he'd-

Y/N: I mean without know.

Blake blushes as Weiss and Ruby question their friends.

Ruby: Without what?

Blake: N-nothing! Just boring book plot stuff.

Y/N: We'll tell you when you're older.

Ruby: Weiss! What are they talking about?

Weiss: How should I know?

Y/N: So, I'm back with trying to get her to talk to me, huh?

As they approach the bullhead, they see Yang already inside waving at them. Weiss and Blake sit opposite Yang and Y/N. As Ruby tries to sit with Y/N, Blake yanks her over to their side. As the aircraft takes off, the group sits in silence. Y/N looks over to the others as they for him to move closer to Yang.

Y/N: Lovely weather we're having.

Yang: Yea.

Y/N: You still mad?

Yang: Yes.

Y/N: Oh.

Yang: No.

Y/N: Oh?

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