Chapter 12

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Y/N laid against a tree in the courtyard of Beacon.

Y/N: Beacons very own "Combat Medic" chases down another student while welding a large hindsight that probably wasn't the best thing I've could have done......and did they really have to put my profession in quotes?

Y/N sighed as he crumbles up the new issue of, "A Beacon For Beacon Academy". A student ran a newspaper. It mainly focused on fashion trends and upcoming school events but, lately it's becoming a little more gossip than anything. Y/N has tried on multiple occasions to visit the club that runs it but always found it closed.

Y/N: What a load of—

Ruby: Hey Y/N!

Y/N turns and sees Ruby head peaking around the tree.

Y/N: Oh hey Ruby.

Ruby: Why are you way out here?

Y/N: Apparently....if the students don't eat the food they serve in the lunchroom, the cafeteria staff don't get paid. So, they kindly asked me to "relocate".

Ruby: Oh...

Y/N: It's fine...I was getting bored of the nice and cool air conditioning in their anyway and absolutely don't miss it at all....

Ruby: You miss it don't you?

Y/N: I completely miss it.

Ruby: Why not ask them to let you back in?

Y/N: I would....if if wasn't for these articles. Everytime a new one is printed I play a game called where am I banned from now...and this week was the Cafeteria. Last week the library and the week before that was virtually half of the clubs.

Ruby: Well I—


Y/N: Huh?

*Click* *Click*

Ruby: What was that?

Y/N looks up and sees a lens sticking slightly out from the tree he laid under.

Y/N: Hey!

The tree shakes as someone hops out and starts to run.

Y/N: Wait!

Ruby: Hang on!

Y/N takes off and Ruby follows after.

???: Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no.

Y/N: Will you stop!

The mystery student runs around and corner as Y/N guns it, fearing he might lose line of sight.

Y/N: Woah!

As he rounds the corner he slams into someone and is knocked down.

Y/N: Ow. Sorry bout that.

In front of him towered a young man in green armor.

Y/N: You didn't see someone running through here have you?

???: Perhaps......what is your business with her.

Y/N: Well, it'd would fall under none of yours so if you'll excuse me.

The young man places his hand on Y/N's chest and stops him.

Y/N: Uh...

???: Do not pass any further.

Y/N: Now that's gonna be a problem because someone ran past here and I need to—

The man shoves Y/N away

???: Please. Do not try.

Y/N: Well you see...that's not really gonna—

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