Chapter 14

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(Night time...)

Y/N: ...................Huh?

A sleeping Y/N is suddenly awoken by Nora who is intensely staring at him.

Y/N: .............

Nora: ............ Morning!

Y/N: How did you get in my room?

Nora: I've come to make a request of you!

Y/N: Nora, seriously how did you get in here?

Nora: Your skill will be tested in a trial that will push you to your absolute limit!

Y/N: It's 5 in the morning, How did you get in here!?

Nora: That's not important. Now, come with me!

She grabs Y/N by his pajama collar and starts to drag him out. He is also able to see the door was crookedly placed.

Nora: Hey! You know you have a comfy bed right?

Y/N: I'm aware. Where are going?

She picks up Y/N and stands him in front of a stove. Along with several items for cooking.

Y/N: Uhh....Nora? what kind of training is this?

Nora: It's gonna test your dexterity, your timing, your dedication to your craft! But most importantly it'll -!

Y/N: Cooking?

Nora: Yes! The ultimate test of.....uh....skill?

Y/N stares at Nora.

Y/N: You woke me cook?

Nora: Noooo no no no.

She scoots a box of pancake mix towards him.

Y/N: ...............

Nora: ...............

Y/N: you want me to make you pancakes?

Nora: .......Maybe.

Y/N: So, let me get this straight. You woke me, not Jaune, not Ren, not Pyrhaa, but me at 5 make you pancakes.

Nora: Yes.

Y/N sighs as he grabs the box of pancake mix and begins to cook.

Y/N: So why didn't you ask your team?

Nora: Well, Juane pancakes are bleh and Pyrhaa needs her eight hours of beauty sleep, but I honestly don't think she needs them because-

Nora clicks her tongue and growls.

Nora: And Ren......huh....I could have asked Ren.

Y/N: Your joking.

Nora: Welp, we're already here so.......

Y/N: ..........

He reluctantly grabs the box and begins to mix.

Y/N: I'm not much of a cook......but I'll try.

Nora: Hurray!

(Hours Later.....)

As the sun rises Team Rwby goes through their usual morning routine. As they wake up they begin by fighting for the privilege to shower first. Then they each check themselves out and makes sure everything is order.

Ruby: Alright team! Let take down today with a butt load of enthusiasm!

Yang: What's with you all of a sudden?

Weiss: Your never this least in the mornings.

Ruby: Really? Huh....I didn't notice.

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