Chapter 11

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The sun rose high into the air as students enjoyed their day off. Except for Y/N. Who is seen running and diving behind various forms of cover.

Y/N: Just gotta make it through today. Then I'm in the clear.

He sprints down the hallway and passes several rooms stopping at one.

*Click* *Clack* *Click* *Clack*
*Click* *Clack*

The sounds of heels nearing the corner sent a wave of panic in Y/N.

Y/N: Oh no. Oh no no no.

Quickly looking around he begins to knock on the door behind him.

Y/N: Come on. Come on. Come on!

As the sounds of the heels grew louder Y/N quickly teleports inside. Miss Goodwitch rounds the corner and looks around.

Goodwitch: Hmm.........

Meanwhile Y/N found himself pinning Yang still in her pajamas against the door. He placed his hand over her mouth and signaled her to not make a sound. They hear the clicking of Miss Goodwitch's heels drawing close, but eventually passes by. He lets out a sigh of relief as Yang stares at him with arms crossed.

Y/N: To be fair. I knocked.

Yang: Still hiding from Goodwitch?

Y/N: Hiding? No no's more like a...... tactical withdrawal training.

Yang: Uh huh.

*Knock knock*

Yang: Uh...yes?

Goodwitch: Miss Xiao Long. May I come in?

As the door knob begins to jiggle Y/N grabs Yang by her waist and they end up in her bed.

Yang: *Whispering* What are you doing!?

Y/N: *Whispering* I panicked okay! Just please don't-!

The door opens as Yang flips herself around and quickly tosses a blanket over herself and Y/N. Miss Goodwitch peaks in and looks around.

Yang: *Yawn* M-morning teach...

Goodwitch: Good afternoon Miss Xiao Long. Why in the name of Oum are you still in bed?

Yang: know....had a rough work out yesterday and well....heh I'm paying the price today with some back pain.

Y/N: (Back pain?)

He proceeds to poke the mid section of her back cause her to yelp in pain.

Goodwitch: A-are you alright?

Yang: Yea! Just fine!

Y/N: *Ack!*

Yang reels back and elbows Y/N in his gut.

Yang: I'll fine. Plenty of rest and I'm good.

Goodwitch: If you say so....then I shall take my leave. Please try not to over do it next time.

Yang: Y-yes mam.

She closes the door. After a couple of minutes Yang breathes a sigh of relief.

Yang: Okay....she gone now.

Lifting the covers off she sees Y/N's eyes glazed over.

Y/N: the...pain..

He quietly utters.

Yang: You'll be fine.

Yang hops down as Y/N rolls off and flops to the floor.

Y/N: Well, I think I can be back in my room now. For the time being.

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