Chapter 21

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Weiss and Y/N sat at the back of a bullhead heading back towards Beacon Academy. Y/N leg kept rapidly bouncing back and forth to the annoyance of Weiss.

Weiss: Nervous?

Y/N: N-noo. N-not even a-

Weiss using the hilt of her sword hits Y/N on his knee.

Y/N: ... That... was uncalled for.

Weiss gives him a look that makes him sigh.

Y/N: I'm nervous, okay? I don't even know what I'm gonna say to the others, let alone Yang.

Weiss: You'll be fine. Just tell them...

Y/N: ......

Weiss: ......

Y/N: Tell them what?

Weiss: You're okay and alive?

Y/N: ......When did Ruby become your speech teacher?

Before Weiss could retort, the Bullhead shakes slightly, and a voice comes through the intercom.

Pilot: Now Landing, Beacon Academy.

Y/N grunts as he stands and waits for the door to open.

Weiss: You may have been discharged, but remember, they still recommend that you take it easy for a while.

Y/N: Right...

The door opens as Y/N quickly scans the area. He breathes a small sigh of relief upon not seeing any of his friends.

Weiss: I didn't tell them. I wanted it to be a surprise, you know.

Y/N: Kinda glad you didn't. Gives me a little more time to mentally prepare.

As they step off the ship, Y/N freezes upon seeing a figure with a cracked mask standing in the shadows.

Weiss: You okay?

He glances at Weiss, then turns his attention back quickly on to see figure is no longer there.

Y/N: Yea... Like you said... I'm just nervous, is all.


The duo stood in front of Ms.Goodwitch's class and awaited for it to be let out.

Y/N: Is this a good idea?

Weiss: Have you ever had any?

Y/N: Hmm... good point.

The bell rings as students begin to pour out of the class. Once empty, Y/N walks in and sees Miss Goodwitch fixing some papers.

Y/N: Miss Goodwitch?

Upon hearing his voice, Ms.Goodwitch quickly turns around. She stares at Y/N before pinching the bridge of her nose and lets out a heavy sigh.

Ms. Goodwitch: I'm starting to have hallucinations. Maybe I really do need eight hours of sleep...

As she leaves, she drops a few papers onto the floor.

Miss Goodwitch: *Sigh*

She crouches to pick them up.

Y/N: Oh hey! You missed one.

As he hands her the paper, Goodwitch stares at him.

Y/N: Hm?

She lunges forward and embraces him. Y/N waves for Weiss to give them some privacy.


Yang held her breath as she prepared her next strike against a training dummy. As she exhaled, she delivers multiple rapid strikes and ends it with a powerful upper cut.

Yang: *Sigh*

She grabs a bottle of water, takes a swig, and sits on the floor. As she catches her breath, she thinks back to the prior event.

(Yang Pov)

It all happened so fast. One minute, everything's fine, then the next...*sigh*.

Yang: Get away from him!

I yelled as I launched myself towards the masked assassin. He managed to jump away in time to dodge what might have been the strongest punch I would have delivered. I still managed to catch Y/N, but...

Yang: Stay with me!

Y/N: I let... my guard... down...heh...whoops...

Yang: You're gonna be fine! Your-

Ruby: Yang!

Weiss: Oh no...

Blake: Hang on Y/N!

As everyone else dug through Y/N's bag for anything to stop the bleeding, I just...stayed, staring the blood that covered my hands.

Ruby: I-i-its not stopping!

Weiss: Ruby! Keep pressure on his wound!

Y/N: I'm sorry... everyone...

I slowly turned my head towards Y/N.

Y/N: I'm glad... you gave me a chance, Yang...

Yang: Don't say that! Don't say it like this is the end damn it!

I wasn't ready to lose him... I clutched his hand tightly.

Yang: You're gonna be-!

His breathing had stopped... and his eyes were closed. I laid Y/N down carefully.

Blake: ... Yang?

I took off after the assailant without saying a word. The image of Y/N's lifeless body kept flashing in my mind. A kinda of motivation to not let this assassin escape. After hopping from several rooftops, I spotted them distracted by their scroll.

Yang: You're not getting away from me!!

Flying towards them as fast as I could, I reeled back as far as I could and managed to land a solid blow across their stupid face and toss them a good distance away.

Yang: That one was for me....and these next ones *cracking knuckles, * these are for Y/N.

As they stood, I realized their mask had cracked, and whatever held it on broke off, making it fall.

Yang: Your-

As I try to approach, some dude wearing a black robe and white mask jumps in front of me with a sword drawn.

???: Our business is done... we're leaving...

Yang: Why did you-!? You were supposed to be his friend!

???: Hmph...

The masked man chuckled as he and the assailant disappeared. I slammed my fist into the ground in anger.

Yang: ...Why...

( Present )

I poured the rest of the water over me and tried to get back to training, ignoring how tired I was. Before I could throw another punch, I remembered something Y/N said after the last time I pushed myself too far...

Y/N: "What's the point of training to be stronger if by the end of the day you don't have any energy left to fight?"

Letting out a sigh, I grabbed my things and headed back.

Yang: Y/N ....

I still couldn't believe he was... I needed some rest to get my mind off of things. As I neared our dorm room, I planned on just tosses myself onto my bunk and just passing out.

Yang: I'm back-

As I opened the door, the room fell silent. My eyes immediately locked with the one person who shouldn't be here...

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