Chapter 29

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After some time and many apologies later, Y/N had confessed everything that had happened to him. From his day to day working for various criminals to his re-recruitment into Beacon Academy at the hands of Goodwitch and Ozpin. How he became friends with Yang's other team members and Wiess. All while skipping the near death experiences and his old comrades hunting him down. Try as he might, though his mother could pick up him omitting information.

Y/N: And we are.

Goodwitch looks at a clock on the wall and sees it's almost midnight.

Goodwitch: I didn't realize it was so late.

Jill: Would you like to stay the night?

Y/N: Yes! I mean....If that's alright with Miss Goodwitch.

Goodwitch: Of course.

Y/N eyes lit up as he hugged Miss Goodwitch.

Goodwitch: *Ahem*

Lazu: Hm.

Jill: That is a problem....we only have one extra room.

Y/N: That's no problem. I'll sleep on the couch.

Jill: I'll bring some pillows and blankets.

Jill leaves to find the items for Y/N.

Lazu: Hm?

Lazu looks over to Yang

Yang: Huh?

Lazu: Hm.

Goodwitch: I hope you do not mind sharing a room with me

Yang: Oh! Uh...N-no not at all, but I think Miss Goodwitch, being a teacher, deserves some privacy. Therefore, I'll make the sacrifice of giving up the room and sleep with Y/N.

Goodwitch: ............

Lazu: ..........

Y/N: ........Bold.

Yang face turns red at the realization of her slip.

Yang: Okay, what I meant to say -

Y/N smirks as he finds an opportunity for some payback.

Y/N: I rather you not change anything thing about that sentence.

Yang quickly looks at a glaring Goodwitch and a smirking Y/N.

Yang: It wasn't what I- Miss Goodwitch you've got to believe me!

Y/N: You heard her loud and clear.

He lays on the floor, mimicking a fainting pose.

Y/N: She was going to have her way with me...

Lazu: Hm.

Lazu walks past a flustered and smacks the top of Y/N's.

Y/N: Ack! I'll stop.

Jill returns, seeing Yang beet red, Goodwitch pinching the bridge of her nose in disappointment, and Y/N rubbing a bump on his head.

Jill: Did I miss something?

(Night Time....)

Y/N laid on the couch, staring at the ceiling thinking about everything that had happened. His time with Yang and the other, along with his time spent working with Roman.

Y/N: Torchwick...

A loose end, he knew he'd have to deal with it eventually...and then there was Shane and Alice. His past came to hunt him, and he didn't have a single clue on what to do. Suddenly, he heard footsteps inching close to where he slept.

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