Chapter 24

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Y/N carefully observed his surroundings before rolling out of the way and dodging a trio of beowolves.

Emerald: If you're not careful, that could spell the end for you.

Emerald chimes in from a high tree branch, watching Y/N.

Mercury: That one almost got you.

Y/N: A little help would be appreciated.

Mercury: You're a professional. You've got this.

Y/N: But-

As one charges towards him, Y/N quickly fires a couple of shots, killing it as the other two jump from behind it and lunge at him. He managed to jump back and dodge one while the other lands a swipe at him.

Mercury: That looks like it hurt.

Y/N switches his weapon into their baton form. A Beowolf pounces onto Y/N, and he manages to jam a baton into its mouth. As it tries to clamp down to break the weapon, Y/N switches on the stun feature. It howls in pain, then stops and drops dead.

Emerald: Ew...

Mercury: That's one way of taking care of things.

Emerald: You still have one left.

Y/N grunts as he pushes the Beowolf off of him. As he quickly stands in a combat ready stance, Beowolf howls and charges. As Y/N prepares to strike, he spots a masked figure watching him from the trees.

Y/N: Agh!

A sudden ringing causes his head to ache. Looking back, the figure disappeared.

Emerald: You might wanna focus!

Y/N: !?

The Beowolf lunges at Y/N. He tries to hop over it but ends up landing on its back.

Y/N: Easy Doggy.

He says before The Beowolf begins to run around at high speeds, trying to shake him off.

Y/N: I! Am! So sick! Of Beowolves!

He raises a baton into the air and strikes the side of the wolf's head. In its daze, it rams itself into a tree and falls over. He rolls off as the Beowolf drops dead. Emerald and Mercury drop from their branch and inspect the battle.

Emerald: See? It wasn't so hard.

Mercury: A little sloppy.

While Emerald and Mercury critiques Y/N's moves, he paid no attention as he locked eyes with another figure in the distance. Emerald snaps him out of his focus.

Emerald: Are we heading back to camp?

Y/N: Huh?

Emerald: Camp.

Y/N: We're not going back to Beacon?

Mercury: Wouldn't make it before night fall. Perhaps if you were a little quicker...

Y/N: Hang on a sec-!

Emerald: We should get going. Wouldn't wanna get caught out here.

Y/N: ......Alright.

As Y/N puts his weapons away, Emerald and Mercury walk a bit behind him. Emerald looks towards the tree line and sees two figures. One jumps away, and the other vanishes. She smirks.

Emerald: This is just too easy.

Mercury: Someone's having fun.

Emerald: I wish I could do this forever.


Inside of a small empty classroomTeam Ruby and Team JPNR were comparing weapons. Amist Weiss and Norra are arguing about the elegance of using a hammer. Blake could see something was bothering Yang.

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