Chapter 3

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(Cctv Station)

Ruby, Yang, and Blake huddled behind Weiss, who was currently in the process of accessing down town Vale's cameras.

Blake: So, why didn't we think of this earlier?

Ruby: We we're young and naive back then Blake, but now we've grown older and therefore wiser.

Weiss: Plus, with all the security cameras around town, one of them should have picked up on him.

Yang: Why don't we use the footage from that night at Juniors?

Weiss: Too dark. I'm sure you were able to get a clear picture of him. Just a couple of clicks and.....I'm in.

Yang: Wow. Good work, Ice Queen.

Weiss: Smart and sophisticated.

Blake: Agree to disagree.

Weiss: What?!

Ruby: Hang on! Go back!

Going through different footage, they stop on a far away camera being pointed at the docks. On it, they see Y/N twirling a gun on his finger. Shortly after, he accidentally drops it, and it fires off one shot.

Yang: That's him, alright.

Weiss: Seeing that we have the upper hand. What should we do next?

Blake: We have ourselves a stake out.

Yang: What are we going to do about Miss Goodwitch? Can't really just walk by her and say, "Hey! Well, be right back! Just gonna go stop some bad guys!"........Can we?

Blake: Yea, no.

Ruby: Girls! Leave everything to me.

Weiss: Why does that make me more worried?

Ruby: *Gasp!* Have you no faith in your leader?!

Blake: Not really.

Weiss: Nope.

Yang: Sorry, Ruby.

Ruby: *Sniff* You guys are so mean.


Y/N laid against the very corner of his room. While tossing and turning images of bloody hands made his breathing quicken. He suddenly awakes and quickly stands. Upon realizing it was a dream, he was able to calm his breathing.

Y/N: *Sigh* ....... I knew an afternoon nap wasn't a good idea.

Making his way into the broken down restroom. He washes his face and smiles. A quick flash of Y/N covered in blood makes him jump back.

Y/N: Stop it!

He punches the mirror, smashing it into pieces. Romans' words echoed in his head.

(That used to be your area of expertise...)

Y/N: ..............

Grabbing his weapons, he heads towards the docks.


(Vale Docks)

Team RWBY awaits on top of a nearby building that overlooks the docks. Yang checked the ammo in her gauntlets, Ruby polished her Scythe, Blake used a pair of binoculars to be the lookout, and Weiss paced impatiently back and forth.

Weiss: Is he here yet?

Blake: No.

Ruby: What about now?

Blake: *Sigh* .... No.


Yang: .....How about-

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