Eugolorp (Prologue)

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Half Moon

Eugolorp (Prologue)

"You can pronounce 'UNISTAR' as 'Yū ni s̄a tā',

or 'Yū nis̄ t̂ā', it's up to you!"

What is UNISTAR?

Unif? That's a type of beverage.

Uniqlo? Ah~ nice brand.

Universal? Have you ever been?

Unicorn? Does it really exist?

Uniform? That's worn on a workday.

Union Mall? That's a bit far.

DoYouKnow? This went too far, we should really come back.


All in all, UNISTAR — or U-ni-ta in Thai accent, was the name of a group of extremely handsome guys. They were not only extremely handsome, but were also very gorgeous, super elegant and deadly attractive. Their IG and twitter accounts could explode with the number of their followers alone, as the whole world and the whole universe could experience a big bang from their handsomeness.


The members of UNISTAR, whoever it was, had to be good-looking enough to be voted by fans all over the country, to win the UNISTAR contest and become the National Moon.

No one in Thailand didn't know UNISTAR.

The UNISTAR Moons were not that easy to meet. It was not like looking at the stars upon the night sky. Even so, they were around you all the time, on TV and any kind of social media.

Being a UNISTAR, even stumbling could turn into a hot topic. Just looking into each other's eyes could start a trend on Twitter. Simply posting the word 'Yo!' could be retweeted more than ten thousand times.

For those who didn't know UNISTAR, you probably had never gone online.

The moment you connect to the internet, you would see UNISTAR everywhere, whether it was Facebook, Twitter, Line or Banner Ads.

For those who didn't know UNISTAR, you probably never owned a TV.

Currently, even our ancestors would have known about UNISTAR, because all of the family members had to fight with their offsprings for the remote control. Obviously, the youngsters craved to watch their favourite idols.

For those who didn't know UNISTAR, you probably had never left home.

UNISTAR members were the brand ambassadors and presenters of many well-known products. So you should have seen UNISTAR in your daily life, for example, on the BTS[1] sky train, bus stop, billboard and shopping mall. They were even on product labels such as cosmetics, clothes, food and beverage.

Each year, UNISTAR will welcome one new member to the group, a rare occurrence, like an unforgettable meteor shower phenomenon.

However... Among these rare Moons, once since its beginning, two Moons miraculously appeared brilliantly in the same year. Both possessed equal refulgence that they couldn't beat each other down. Even the judges couldn't decide on a single winner.

That's how the special celestial event happened, 'Double Moons'.

The two Moons who were not inferior to each other both became the co-winners of the UNISTAR contest that year.

One Moon — #NateeRedMoon or #RedMoon, a ferocious University Moon who came from the engineering faculty of QU University. His bad mouth was like a crossbow that could knock out the enemies, but it was also like the cupid's bow that could hit all the girls' hearts. His fans fell for his bad mouth charm. Even though they were called masochists, they didn't care.

The other Moon — #WayuNewMoon or #NewMoon, a Moon from the engineering faculty of XU University who always made lame jokes, although he had never realised those jokes were not funny in the slightest. He could adapt his lame joke into every sentence, every word, everywhere and every time. Even if he ended up making simple words become harder to understand as a result, his fans were always willing to be his claque, laughing at his jokes, despite not being able to pretend to laugh at all. Still, his fans loved him the way he was.


XU University and QU University were very known rivals...

And their faculties took turns in winning the ranking for the best engineering faculty...

Then, how could these two Moons be together?

Perhaps, there should only be one Moon in the sky. But now, they had to share their place, and allow the other to shine together.

Perhaps, both of them always argued. Even when they were on the stage surrounded by the crowd, they had never stopped fighting each other.

Perhaps, both of them had odd habits and freaky mindsets.

Perhaps, because none of them would accept being second, plus they seemed to have only half a brain, less brain than average people...

So they were referred to with the same title —

'Half Moon'.



[1] BTS stands for Bangkok Mass Transit System.


Author's Note: 

Happy Pride Month!

UNISTAR is back with a new instalment! We'd like to welcome everyone to our Half Moons' nonsensical love story. Hahaha. We hope you'll enjoy Wayu's lame jokes and Natee's aggressive flirting techniques~

The main plot of the Half Moon story is filled with silly bantering and arguments. So yeah, you can't really expect something reasonable from them, but if you're interested to read about a ridiculous relationship and a lot of WTF moments, this story might just be right up your street.

Half Moon is the second instalment of the UNISTAR series. If you haven't read P'In & N'Win's story, we recommend you to start with 'UNISTAR : Invisible Moon' so that you can enjoy this novel even more.

We plan to update at least once a month (similar to Future From Me), so we are working on 2 chapters each month. But if we are able to, we will probably surprise you with bonus releases, so wish us luck!

Anyway, whether you're from DomWhai or DomHusky (or even DomKati), we welcome you to Wayu & Natee's story again. We hope you will enjoy it as much as Wayu enjoys making his jokes LOL

Thank you so much for your support~ 

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