Chapter 11 : Holding Your Hand Doesn't Require a Hire-Torch

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Half Moon

Chapter 11

Holding Your Hand Doesn't Require a Hire-Torch

"Hire-torch is another form of hi-touch.

It's a hi-touch ticket."


Even though I was still disgusted by the dog's saliva, I was glad to receive some good news. Because of that livestream, PD Kwang had successfully signed deals with multiple sponsors. Oh, and we somehow gained a new nickname too. Apart from #HalfMoon and #AmusingMoonCouple, we were now also called #PuppyMoonCouple. This is all because the act of scratching his chin, petting him, licking me and biting me resembled what dogs would do with their owners.

I needed to turn off my social media as every time I turned them on, I would see a lot of screenshots of the dog licking my face. It was inevitable as my fans kept reposting it until I couldn't see anything else. Luckily my immune system was strong enough that I didn't get any allergy reactions or any pimples. That's a huge relief.

For the first episode of the series, PD Kwang kept his word - that he would make it big and that we would officially go overseas to film. While they were discussing which country to go to, I requested for a sunny country with beautiful beaches. I hoped that my fans would see that I too could look more manly if I got tanned.

That dog requested for a country that has a variety of cuisines because he didn't want to be forced to eat local food for every meal. On the other hand, the staff unanimously requested for a country that was not part of the UNISTAR fanbase because they wanted some privacy for us while travelling, without having to worry about the fans while filming. And lastly, PD Kwang requested for a country that was not too far, since we had limited time.

The country which has beaches, a variety of food, not a UNISTAR fanbase and a short travelling distance...

We finally decided on Sydney, Australia.

It took eight to nine hours to fly there from Thailand. Surely, there were beaches - it was the city that was featured in the animation movie called Finding Nemo after all. Plus, there was also a huge variety of food as it was a multicultural city.

We didn't need to worry about it being a UNISTAR fanbase because even though there were Thai people in every corner of the world, they were still a minority of the whole population.

After everything was finalised, the staff booked the tickets. I started packing for my first-ever trip abroad. I had no idea what I should prepare, so I simply dumped everything I could think of into my luggage, especially my essentials - my clothes and cosmetics. Kaow, who came to help me pack the luggage, complained.

"You're only going for three days, not the rest of your life." Kaow said.

"Well, I need to be prepared in advance. It's important for me to look good. I need to look flawless in every shot." I replied. Kaow shook his head and sighed slightly.

"What about the weight limit for your luggage?" He asked concernedly.

"It'll be fine. The sponsors are generous. I'll be flying business class, so there is a forty-kilogram limit. If the bag is overweight, the sponsors will probably take care of the cost." I shrugged casually, but I secretly thought it wouldn't be too expensive.

"Are you sure you can handle this weight?" Kaow tried to lift my bag and quickly gave up.

"I can. I'm strong enough for this."

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