Chapter 12 : The Amusing Moon Couple Has Arrived

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Half Moon

Chapter 12

The Amusing Moon Couple Has Arrived

"Wayu arrived on tour."


Once we finished checking-in, the production staff immediately began filming. They recorded the fervent atmosphere of the fans waiting for us at the airport. The fans stayed with us while we had our passports checked and went through security, and they were still there when we were entering the gates. I heard them shout 'have a good honeymoon trip' in unison.

I really wanted to tell them that it's a work trip.

After we entered the gates, we were led by a security officer to the airline lounge. Since the airline was one of our sponsors, we were given a private VIP room to wait. The dog finally let go of my hand once we entered the room.

"Natee, Wayu, we'll give you two a break. But we want you to keep recording yourselves with this camera. We could probably insert some of the shots into the main scenes because we just want some moments that look natural."

"Okay krub." I took the small camera they offered and checked it. The staff briefed me on how to use it before I tried.

"Woo Hoo. It's me, handsome Wayu! I'm currently taking a break at the lounge. Ohho! Look at that! It's all you can eat for dinner, plus a variety of desserts." This lounge had comfortable seats for all the staff and me. The airline even prepared a dinner spread for us. It was so kind of them.

"I'm going to eat them up." I said to the camera. "Once I get on the plane, I'll have sweet dreams of my DomWhai."

"Have sweet dreams of me too." The dog suddenly barged in and interrupted me. I squinted at him, bored.

'I'm recording my handsome moment, why is he messing with me?' This camera's recording would probably be edited later, and the fans were not around, so I didn't have to be nice to him anymore.

"Move aside, I'm going to eat."

I walked past the dog, ignoring him. I was holding a plate and the selfie stick while picking out the dishes, as good idols would do.

"Every dish looks delicious. It's incredible and I love them all. There's Carbonara here, and mashed potatoes here. Look at this, so many desserts! Pancakes, fruit tarts and chocolate cake. Oh, there's Tako[1] too. It reminds me of P'In's."

Since I didn't want to walk to get more dishes after I started my meal, I didn't mind that my plate was filled with a mixture of various dishes including desserts. It looked so colourful.

"No-eye, don't you need to control your weight? Food brands are not the only brands you're representing, you know."

The dog warned me, disturbing the joy of my eating.

I glanced at his plate. There was not a single dessert - only meat and vegetables with a small amount of carbs. But that reminded me of something.

If my manager saw my plate, he would surely start his ceaseless nagging. So I turned to him immediately. Seeing that my manager was talking with the staff and didn't notice me, I hid my plate.

"I exercise every week." I told the dog.

Being an idol, I needed to maintain my weight and appearance. For us UNISTAR members, it was not as serious as some actors whose selling point was appearance. Since UNISTAR's selling point was character, we didn't have to look too good. Having a good diet and exercising regularly were enough.

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