Chapter 21 : I Fell for a Dumb Foolish Monkey

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Half Moon

Chapter 21

I Fell for a Dumb Foolish Monkey

"Wise men say, only fools rush in.

But I can't help falling in love with fools.[1]"


It had been a while since that fanmeet, but I couldn't fully concentrate on anything. Sometimes, out of nowhere, I felt frustrated, anxious or burnt out. Normally, I could barely concentrate during classes, and now it was even worse. I used to enjoy spending my free time in the music room, practising singing, but recently, I just felt bored, I didn't want to go anywhere. I just wanted to stay in my dorm and lie down, mindlessly watching Youtube. I had no motivation to do anything.

Knock knock...

I heard a knocking sound from the door. There weren't many people who would disturb me late at night.

If it wasn't Tam or Ferst, it would be my manager.

I sighed, tossing my phone onto the bed in frustration, and got up to open the door.

It turned out to be both Tam and Ferst. Tam stood there waving and smiling to me, while Ferst came with a novel or a comic book as usual.

"Coming to see me this late, what's up?" I asked them. Ferst walked in first, finding a spot to sit and continue reading without saying anything, while Tam followed behind.

"What's up with you, lately? You seem worried about something. You can talk to me."

Tam asked concernedly as he walked over to sit cross-legged next to Ferst.

Hearing his question, I sighed deeply.

"I am worried about an idiot."

"An idiot?" Tam frowned. "Why are you worried about someone else's stupidity? You should be happy. Because having an idiot around makes you look smarter."

Tam probably thought I meant someone being dumb in class or at work.

"Because he makes me..." I was about to spill it out but then sighed. "Forget it."

"Hmm?" Tam scanned me intently. "If it's affecting you this much, you must care about this idiot a lot."

I glanced at Tam and rolled my eyes tiresomely.

"I'm going to stop caring about him. It's so annoying."

"Is that so?" Tam nodded. "Let me guess, the idiot you're talking about is Wayu, right?"

I widened my eyes at Tam immediately. Sometimes, he reads my mind so clearly, it scares me.

"Ha! I knew it."

Tam slapped his knee, causing even Ferst to look up from his book.

"I had my suspicions since I watched the first episode of Half Moon the series. I was wondering if that was the same Natee I knew. And when I saw the fan cam of you kissing Wayu at the fanmeet, I was a hundred percent sure."

"What the hell are you so sure of?" I frowned.

"Sure that..." Tam leaned in, waggled his eyebrows mischievously, and burst out laughing.

"That now you're a lovesick puppy chasing after Wayu! Hahaha!"

"What lovesick puppy? You ass!" I pointed at him, feeling a bit nervous inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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