Chapter 10 : Rice Steam with Fake Boil-friend

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Half Moon

Chapter 10

Rice Steam with Fake Boil-friend

"Rice steamed = Livestream.

Fake boil-friend = Fake boyfriend."


Today, I would have to go on livestream with that dog for the first time. What's more, I would have to pretend like we were a lovey-dovey couple. I felt very uneasy.

The staff had earnestly set up a studio for our livestream via the UNISTAR Official page. A large computer monitor was placed in front of us, so I could see myself and read our fans' comments at the same time.

Furthermore, there were many staff surrounding us to guide our livestream, under PD Kwang's orders.

'If the Half Moons don't stop arguing, don't stop the live streaming.

If the Half Moons can't create a sweet moment, the staff won't be able to get off work.

If their fans aren't pleased, this series will go on forever.'

I'm in deep sheep...

Especially his last sentence. What if my fans didn't enjoy the series, would I be forced to play it for the rest of my life?

What a cruel punishment! I won't drink anymore, never again. Damn it!

UNISTAR Official

10 minutes ago

Let's warm up before Half Moon The Series airs!

Join us for Natee and Wayu's first livestream. It's going to be so much fun. Don't miss out!

The official page had already started the livestream. Although they hadn't turned on the camera yet, there were tens of thousands of viewers waiting here.

Most of them commented the same few things – 'P'Natee, P'Wayu, I miss you so much', 'Please hurry up', 'I'll stick with the screen', 'I have been waiting for this sweet moment', 'Waiting for N'Husky and N'Whai'.

"Natee, Wayu. Are you ready?" The admin of the official page asked us.

That dog and I didn't wear the UNISTAR uniform. We wore casual clothes and full makeup instead for this livestream, and I was always confident when my face was covered with makeup.

"Yes." We nodded and looked at each other. 'Do I have to act like I love him? This is a nightmare!'

"Three, two, one... and we're live!"

Once the admin gave the cue, that dog and I appeared on the live screen monitor.

"Good afternoon. I'm Natee/Wayu of UNISTAR."

We greeted the fans who were waiting for us. After the camera was turned on, the number of viewers doubled.

"On today's rice-steam, I have something to share with you..."

I said while glancing at the dog.

"We are in a relay-shunt-ship..."

I said each word reluctantly. But before I finished, that dog interrupted me.

"Don't waste time telling jokes, just tell them we are in a relationship. That's all."

He shrugged and shook his head.

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