Chapter 9 : Our loaf (love) is fake

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Half Moon

Chapter 9

Our loaf (love) is fake

"Beauty could be made up,

but love could not."


'What the hell?!' I widened my eyes.

I had to act as real lovers with that mad dog? Seriously?!

"Are you kidding me? This is much worse than a common series."

I started my argument. In a series, I would just need to act as a character. But in a reality series, I would need to act as myself and treat him as my real lover. How is that possible?!

"Wayu, you have no right to complain. You're the reason this whole fiasco started." P'Kwang looked at me sternly.

Alright, it was my fault.

"You two are not kids." PD Kwang lectured us. "Before you became idols, you should already know that you can't do anything you want. Regardless if you are willing to play in the series or not, you have to take responsibility for what you did."

Listening to his words, I could only close my lips.

"Do you really think that the staff are not stressed, not tired?" PD Kwang continued.

"Many actors have to take on roles that they don't like. They can't simply decline them because it is their job, their responsibility."

Upon those words however, the room fell deadly silent.

"P'Kwang, you're right. I'll try my best." That dog then accepted his fate obediently.

I turned to him at once. Why did he surrender so easily? So what should I do next?

"That's good, Natee." PD Kwang said. "What about you, Wayu?"

"Er...I..." I was hesitant, but I decided to ask a few questions first.

"I have a question. If we act as a real couple, how intimate do we have to be in a love scene?"

"We haven't discussed it yet." P'Kwang answered. "It depends on the audience, so we'll have to film and check the feedback as we go."

"What?!" I was shocked. "What if the fans want to see me rolling on the bed, do I have to?!"

I heard some of the staff members coughing.

Even though I was very confident of my handsomeness, I didn't want to be a bottom in my fans' imaginations. I just couldn't stand it.

"Why? Are you scared?" That dog asked.

"There might not be that kind of scene because MWTV audiences range from children to adult groups." I felt relief from P'Kwang's answer, but it only lasted a second.

"But we can lead the audience on, then let them imagine the rest." The lead said and laughed slightly.

It may sound like a joke to everyone else, but as the subject of my fans' wild imagination for months, I couldn't see the humour in that simple statement.

"No way! I refuse to play that type of scene." I insisted.

"That's alright. I don't want that scene in a UNISTAR series either." P'Kwang added. "Because it affects the UNISTAR image."

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