Chapter 15 : The Dogmestic Expert

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Half Moon

Chapter 15

The Dogmestic Expert

"Someone who is skilled at housework is called a 'domestic expert'."


I was lying comfortably on the couch while the crew were diligently recording my laid-back demeanour. Even though the rest of the scenes that we planned to shoot abroad were cancelled due to my illness, we were still recording the aftermath of the situation while we were still here. As the one who fell ill, I had to continue acting like a patient in the series.

As I lay there, bored, I picked up my phone and started scrolling through social media. Soon after, the door was opened. That dog was back with a few shopping bags from the supermarket.

He looked at me for a while without saying anything, then headed to the kitchen counter. The dog began unpacking the groceries he had bought while the cameraman recorded his every move. I glanced over to see what he had purchased - there was rice, a variety of vegetables and some sausages.

The dog started washing the vegetables in the sink.

"Do you know how to cook?" I was still lying on the couch, but I couldn't help being curious.

"Yes. I'm not like you..." He replied as he sliced the vegetables. "Who only knows how to eat."

"You!" I heard that and felt my anger rise. What's the problem? I liked to eat, but I didn't like cooking.

However, he turned to me and smiled broadly.

"But you have me, so you don't have to cook." He said.

"Will you cook for me then?" I raised an eyebrow, asking.

"Yeah. I'll cook only for my boyfriend. I've never even cooked for my close friends."

"Wow!" I raised my voice, clearly doubting him. "So, if we break up, you won't cook for me anymore?"

My words stopped him in his tracks.

"Are you thinking of breaking up with me?" He asked without looking up.

Why did he ask that? We would surely break up after the series ended anyway, I thought and replied.

"Not now, because I still need you to cook for me."

"Damn. You're such a glutton." He muttered softly while preparing to boil water. But I heard that!

The congee that he prepared was quite simple, it didn't need a lot of ingredients. It wasn't like the one P'In made in the 'Moon in the Kitchen'. Probably because the supermarket here had limited choices, so his congee looked soupy.

"N'Wayu, are you happy to have a boyfriend who cooks for you?" A crew member interviewed me, while the dog, who was still cooking, glanced at me.

"If it's delicious, I'll be happy." I smiled.

"Even though it can't compare to P'In's, it's not that bad." The dog interrupted.

"Really? I never knew you could cook." I teased him.

"It's very easy and simple food, everyone should be able to cook it." He frowned and continued. "P'Leo and P'Sea live alone in their dorms, so they have to cook for themselves, you know?"

"They don't have to, they can just buy food." I shrugged. In Thailand, food stalls and restaurants were available at every corner.

"Well, I think the dish I just cooked will be very delicious." The dog smiled as he turned off the stove, serving the congee in a bowl.

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