Chapter 16 : Fake or Real

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Half Moon

Chapter 16

Fake or Real

"I don't want either a fake or a real boyfriend."


I was back in Thailand for a while, studying and working for the UNISTAR project as usual. And today, the first episode of Half Moon The Series will be aired.

"Wayu look, the series hasn't aired yet, but it's already trending on Twitter. A few days ago, I secretly asked the editing team for a preview. It's very cute, and Natee is even cuter in it! You need to watch it!" My manager told me to stay back after I finished my work just to tell me to watch my series. He even turned on the TV for me. Seriously?

"No, I won't." I shook my head. "P', I have an exam tomorrow, and it's a major subject."

"Why? It's your own series." My manager was somewhat puzzled. "Alright. If you don't want to watch it, I'll drive you to the dorm."

My manager was a little disappointed, and I was annoyed. Regarding the series... I was the one who acted in it, so I knew everything that was going to happen. I was sure that there would only be scenes where the dog was shown as the star of the show while I was just his accessory with a shellfish allergy.

It would probably take time before I would be ready to watch it.

When I woke up the next morning, I found that I was mentioned a lot on Twitter, mostly by fans who were excited about the series' first episode. Based on the tweets, the humiliating feeding scene seemed to be the most mentioned. Plus, the hashtag #HalfMoon has been trending since yesterday.

"Wayu, your series yesterday was incredible! I don't like watching dramas, but this one is quite good. I never thought Natee could be this adorable. I understand why your fans want you to date him for real."

In a class, Kaow even praised that dog and started supporting my ship. What could I do?

"The series is exaggerated, it's not reality." I replied.

"Is that so...?" Kaow pondered. "But Oat told me that he has never seen Natee cook for anyone before, and in the series, Natee smiled more than usual."

"Uh-huh." I didn't want to know more. "He just wanted to get higher ratings than me, creating a nice and warm image like a second-lead in Korean dramas."

"Oh, you mean you are a bad-boy protagonist, right?" Kaow raised his eyebrow.

"Well..." I smiled broadly. "You know me well."

After the class, my manager picked me up and took me to the company to prepare for the fanmeet that was scheduled for this month.

In the conference room, there were more staff members than before. In the past, this meeting would only be attended by UNISTAR members, PD Kwang, and some members of the creative team. However, this time, there were some unfamiliar faces. I looked at their name tags and saw the logo of 'MW Electronics' which is a Metha affiliated company, just like my own agency.

"Alright, let's get started." PD Kwang said as he stood up, his presentation projecting on the screen.

"As everyone knows, UNISTAR revolves around the concept of brand ambassadors. What we sell to the fans is the experience. The primary purpose of the fanmeet is to give fans the opportunity to get close and have fun with UNISTAR. In the past, we focused on designing each aspect, not only the activities but also the location and the souvenirs."

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