Chapter 18 : Faen Meat

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Half Moon

Chapter 18

Faen Meat

"Faen Meat = Fanmeet"


After finishing the rehearsal, which helped familiarise Players with the gameplay and device usage, we returned backstage to put on makeup and our suits. This fanmeet was very special because the UNISTAR uniform had been redesigned. Though we kept the original silhouette, some changes were made to fit the concept, making it look very modern. The colour of our suits was changed from blue to black and the golden pattern lines were replaced with our doms' colours. Mine was purple, the dog's was blue, P'In's was grey, P'Sea's was white, P'Leo's was yellow and N'Sun's was orange.

I assumed that the fans were already seated in the hall because I heard cheers when our UNISTAR advertisements started playing on the screen. Normally, other concerts would have music played before showtime, but for UNISTAR, we would show our advertisements, utilising the media for mutual benefit. Plus, the fans seemed to like it as well.

"You can standby here, we're playing the safety video now." The crew informed us, so I headed to stand by the hydraulic stage which would be lifted after the fanmeet teaser.

I heard enthusiastic cheers when each member's section of the safety instruction video played until it reached mine.

"...don't live stream throughout the event... and the scene just now, please keep it as our secret."

It was the scene where the dog and I were about to kiss but the ringing phone interrupted us. So we turned to the camera and told the fans to mute their phones and avoid live streaming because the previous scene was meant to be a secret. Once the scene ended, a thunderous cheer erupted.

I glanced at the dog unintentionally, but he avoided eye contact, puzzling me for a while. I didn't care much though, as I needed to focus on the introduction.

"When the UNISTARs woke up, they realised that they were in a new world, not their own. To survive, they need to escape the mysterious maze. However, only one person will emerge victorious while the rest will face punishment."

That was the concept of the game. A normal fanmeet wouldn't be as thrilling as the tone in the teaser. Do you think UNISTARs like us would play normally? Haha.

"DomSeagull, DomPrince, DomKati, DomHusky, DomWhai and DomLava... Every one of you must help them escape this mysterious maze!"

"The fate of UNISTARs is in your hands. Who will be the winner?"

"Are you ready?! Let's Play UNISTAR!"

The teaser ended with an image of us standing in the middle of a deserted island, and the stage lit up to reveal us in the same positions as shown in the teaser ending.


The fans' cheers were as warm as usual. Our Unity's love for us was as strong as ever, never changing.

We had to stand still for five seconds for the cameras to capture us in the centre of the stage before we could start interacting with the fans as we pleased.

"Sawasdee krub, Unity."

We greeted the fans and ran around the stage to let all of them see us before returning to stand in the centre.

"Ohho! This stage is very huge. I feel like we're in another world."

I said while looking around the hall. This was our largest audience ever.

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