Chapter 5 : The Imaginary Love Scene

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Half Moon

Chapter 5

The Imaginary Love Scene

"NC might stand for Nugget Chicken

Or Nutella Cola."


Natty live on Half Moon Ship @natty_shipper

OMG! OMG! OMG!!! They're fused with each other! #HalfMoon #AmusingMoonCouple

Natee love Wayu @natee_love_wayu

GIRLS!!! Look at this picture! They're in the right position. This is what I've been waiting for. #HalfMoon #AmusingMoonCouple

NateeWayu is nirvana @halfmoon_superfan

Look at P'Wayu's face. He's probably thrilled to be under P'Natee. Awww. #HalfMoon #AmusingMoonCouple

"It hurts! Not thrilled!" I blurted out while I was scrolling down the latest feed on twitter. After the latest episode of UNISTAR SHOWTIME! was aired, the hashtags #HalfMoon and #AmusingMoonCouple were surprisingly trending.

My fans were obsessed with the shot of that dog falling over me and misunderstood, thinking that my hurt expression meant excitement. I still loved my faen krub even though I didn't understand them at all.

Natee is the Handsome Moon @natee_handsome

It hurts! You girls should stop romanticising!

"Bastard! That is my script!" Seeing his tweet, I almost threw my phone. I was the one who was crushed, I was the one who was hurt! Why did my fans like his tweet?!

"Eh? What is WindUnderWater?" I frowned as I saw another hashtag - #WindUnderWater, which was trending together with #AmusingMoonCouple. I hadn't seen it before. Don't tell me that it was another one of my fans' brilliant and terrible imagination.

I got so curious that I instinctively clicked on #WindUnderWater and found a lot of people mentioning that it was so good, so romantic and they liked it so much that they wished it would really happen.

Captain Nawa @captain_nawa

My fanfiction #WindUnderWater finally reaches top 10 on the fiction platform. Hooray!!! Thanks to all Half Moon shippers' support. I promise that I will keep writing until they are in a relationship.

"Captain..." I pondered. If I was not mistaken, the twitter username Captain Nawa often posted the moments of me with that dog.

From her latest post, I could feel that she was somewhat involved in this #WindUnderWater hashtag, so I scrolled down to see her other posts.

Captain Nawa @captain_nawa

I'm not a writer, I only love to write the stories of #NateeWayu.

I'll keep writing until this ship becomes real~

I found out that Captain Nawa, who had ten thousand followers, was a fanfiction writer. She was really the captain of my and Natee's ship!

A fanfiction writer... I had never read any fanfictions or novels. I liked playing games and watching movies. I just heard that fanfiction was a fictional story which was imagined and written by fans based on their idol biases.

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