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Veronica stood at the door contemplating on whether to knock or not as her hand hang midair formed into a fist. It was as though she was in a trance when finally it dawned on her how weird it must have seemed for her to have been standing there for so long. Anyone who saw her would have found it odd too, perhaps even creepy. She finally collected herself and got the strength to knock, but the moment she did she wished she could take it back.
Her heart was racing so fast it felt as though it would move out of her chest. It was almost as though she was having one of her anxiety attacks again and in a way it scared her just as it made her question just how one person could have so much of an effect on her even after so long.
Amidst her thoughts, the door was opened and he stood before her,his majestic aura all around him as it had always been. He was tall so she had to slightly raise her chin to look into his eyes, his beautiful face that had not changed one bit. Nothing about him was different, he was the same as the first time she fell in love with this god on earth. The only change she saw and felt was in their chemistry as he stood there staring at her almost as though he was stripping her naked with his eyes. Except, she realized she most probably was doing the same thing and she was feeling more awkward by the minute.
"Hey," she said, finally easing the tension that had been rising between both of them.
"Hi," he smiled at her. The kind of smile that showed no precise emotion. As if he expected her to say something else or explain her sudden appearance at his place. He had been standing by the door for sometime without a word to her.
"Can I come in?"
"Sure, come on in," he said, embarrassed by his lack of hospitality. She got in taking a look at the house she had been in countless times. It was all still the same as she had left it. She then turned to him right after he had closed the door.
"You haven't changed a thing here."
"Yeah, I liked it as it was. Besides, too many memories."
" I see."
She knew exactly what he meant when he talked of memories but she had no intentions of digging deeper. She could end up bringing back a past they had both gotten rid of. They both got back to the awkward silence taking seats across each other. She was playing with her fingers to ease her nerves and looking around the house, anywhere as long as she didn't have to look into his eyes, his beautiful brown eyes that somehow drew her in as if some sort of hypnosis effect.
He had no clue of what to say to her despite having so much he could. He just didn't know how to frame it all or where to begin. He wanted her to go first but knowing her, she probably waited for him to say something too. He suddenly realized the one thing he could say to her and blurted it out,
"Happy birthday," she smiled at him with a bit of a glow in her eyes. She looked more beautiful than she was before and there was a certain glow on her. She had changed, but in every positive way. She was more composed, straightforward though she still had her shyness. Even her fashion sense had changed to an extra feminity. Or perhaps he had failed to see her in that light before.
"Thanks," she finally said.
"I actually came to thank you for the present you got me. It's really lovely."
"Glad you like it"
" Yeah," and the silence followed. She felt the need to leave partly because of how uncomfortable all this was and also the fact that this place was giving her so much nostalgia.
"Well, that's all... I'm gonna go now. I kind of left everyone busy with preparations so..."
"It's okay. I understand."
She got up to leave and made her way to the door. Part of him wanted to stop her but didn't know how but then she suddenly stopped in her tracks and turned looking straight into his eyes.
"Why though?" The question caught him by surprise and he was still trying to understand what she meant. Maybe he knew exactly what she questioned he just didn't expect her to ask.
"Why did you get me a present. I just don't get it."
"Coz it's your birthday "
" I know that I just... I don't see why you'd buy me a present. It's okay if friends and family send me present but you... we've not spoken in months. I had no idea where you were, with who or what you've been up to and suddenly you're sending me a gift for my birthday and with no explanation. Don't you see, it doesn't make sense to me why you'd even remember my birthday..."
"Why wouldn't I? I could never forget your birthday."
"Don't... don't do that Ethan"
"Do what?"
"Act like you care. You don't get to do that. You don't get to show up in my life from God knows where and try to make your way back into my life. You're the last person who'd care about my happiness Ethan, we both know that," at this point she was pacing around the room and she failed to realize that her tone had become a bit high pitched and when she did, she took deep breaths calming herself down. Ethan on the other hand let her vent. He knew he had no right to interfere and that doing so wouldn't make it better. Once she was calm, he spoke,
"You have every right to think that of me, I get that, but I'm not trying to get back into your life I know I don't deserve to. I just wanted to get you something for your birthday that's all. And I do care that's why I want you to be happy."
" Because you deserve it, and you are an amazing person Vee I'm sorry it took me so long to realize that but you really are and you deserve to be happy"
It was the first time in a long time that she heard him say her name again. It had a ring to it coming from him. But that wasn't important at the moment. She was frustrated and nothing Ethan said made things better. But that's how it had always been with them, complicated. She poured herself a glass of water that was on the table which she drank in one go.
"I don't get you. You ghost me for months with absolutely no explanation. You didn't even try to reach me and you knew just how much that killed me inside... I mean, what did I do, why ..."
"You didn't do anything it was all me."
"Then tell me why you did what you did."
"I will I promise. Right now's not the time."
She gave a faint chuckle and ran her hand in her hair in frustration before turning to him again.
"We're back to this again aren't we? You make mistakes you don't account for and I'm just supposed to accept it all right?"
" No Vee you don't get it. I just...."
"You know what? Suck it. I don't need to know. You can keep up with your secrecy for all I care."
"Vee hold on..."
"Don't call me that Ethan. It's Veronica for you "
She picked her bag filled with rage and walked out the door. The moment she was out, tears formed in the corner of her eyes. It was a mistake for her to come see him. All it did was bring back her past. A past she wanted nothing but to forget about. She went to see the one person who she always went to with her problems,her best friend,Cassie. Meanwhile every memory she had long buried came flooding back and it all went back to when she had first allowed this mistake into her life, because that was what part of her felt about him. He was the best mistake she'd ever made.

Author's note:
Hi guys,thank you so much for reading my book. I hope it's a good start for a beginner. I'll be giving updates daily and please do vote if you like the book. Thanks xoxo🤗

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