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"What do you mean you two are not engaged," Cassie asked looking rather confused by Veronica's statement.

She had arrived at her place out of the blues and before Cassie could say a word to her, she sat on the chair and said she was not engaged to Chris anymore. She did not even go over her usual greetings that she considered so important in starting a conversation. She also looked like someone who had barely gotten any sleep the previous night dressed in a sweatpant and a baggy plain casual shirt. Cassie left all that aside for the more important information she was getting about Chris.

"I mean just what I said, Chris and I are no longer engaged...Like no coming wedding or anything. We broke up."

"I don't get it. Why would you suddenly..."

"He was cheating on me," Veronica interrupted, " how in heavens do you propose to someone publicly and cheat on them days after? Who does that?"

" Chris cheated on you? Chris Thompson?"

"Believe me I was just as shocked as you are."

"So you saw the woman? Did you confront him about it?"

"No I didn't see her but I saw her clothes and shoes. Plus he was acting all weird but I didn't confront him about it."

"Wait you just broke up with him without telling him it was because he cheated?"

"I wish that was actually why I broke up with him."

"Okay... now I'm confused."

"I broke up with him because he tried to kill Ethan."

"Wait what!? Chris tried to kill Ethan? "

Veronica remained quiet seeming lost in thoughts. Cassie did not realize this though as she tried to take in the news. In what alternate universe could she have ever thought of Chris being a killer.

"Are you sure about that? I mean... what if it was just some sort of misunderstanding. Chris doesn't seem like the kind of person to do that."

That was when Cassie realized that Veronica was not paying attention to a thing she was saying and even after calling her twice, she did not budge. She only heard her the third time she called out.

"Sorry. I just have a lot on my mind."

"It's about Ethan right? How is he?"

"He was in an accident because of Chris but the doctor said he was doing much better. He might even get discharged soon."

"Then that's a good thing right? So why do you seem worried if he's getting better?"

"Esther was at the hospital when I got there."

"Esther's back?"

"Seems so," Veronica was quiet again and she had some sadness and disappointment in her voice as she spoke, "she really is pregnant."

Cassie did not know what to say to make Veronica feel better. She must have been holding on to the hope that none of it was true but now that she had seen Esther...she could not imagine how broken she must have been.

"I don't understand how she found out about Ethan's accident...or how she managed to have gotten here so fast."

"Maybe Ethan called her..."

"She may be carrying his child but I know he wouldn't do that."

"But how can you be so sure?"

Veronica did not answer her as she recalled in her mind everything that happened when she got back to the hospital from Chris' house.

Ethan was asleep when she got to his room and she had made sure not to wake him. She was still angry from the discovery she had made back at her ex fiance's place.

She sat in the corner as her mind trailed off to the clothes she had seen at the house. She still could not believe that he was cheating on her. As much as part of her denied it, she could not ignore the fact that he had been acting strange with her.

"Hey you."

She was brought back to reality when Ethan called out to her and when he smiled at her, she finally managed calm the tension she had been having from the moment she was informed about his accident.

She moved and sat beside him on the bed with him holding her hands. She had made a choice back home to sacrifice her happiness. She was going to marry Chris and at least try to love him because she thought he was a good person but now seeing Ethan lying on the hospital bed, she questioned every decision she had made. She questioned if Chris really was the man she thought he was. Was she going to marry a man capable of killing someone just because of his reputation?

"What are you thinking about?" Ethan asked.

"Nothing. "

"You're not so good at lying Veronica Mares."

She wanted to tell him. She needed any chance to talk about it but how could she talk about her relationship with Chris to him. She had not even told him the fact that he was the one who tried to kill him. She had so much inside and she got emotional and broke down hugging him.

Someone walked in and she quickly sat up straight wiping her tears. She thought it must have been the nurse until she turned to look at the door.


"Surprised to see me?"

She had a smile on her face as she walked into the room her eyes fixed on Veronica.

"What- what are you doing here?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm here to see the father of my baby,"she said rubbing her bump as if to mock Veronica.

"Esther please don't do this here."

"Come on baby can't you at least give me a warm welcome. You're here spending time with your mistress when she just broke up with her fiance yet you..."

"What!" Ethan was shocked by the sudden news and Veronica who wanted to avoid questions and the control the burning feeling inside of her got up from the bed moving away from Ethan and Esther.

"Is that true?"

"You don't need to ask her, just read the article that's been trending since morning..."

"Shut up Esther!" Ethan shouted startling even Veronica who had her back facing them as her eyes looked outside the window. She could not stand being in the room anymore with Esther around nor could she stand Ethan's questions about Chris. Without a word, she picked up her keys phone and left the room.

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