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"How could you not tell me about this?" Cassie yelled, "and now you go and do something this dumb Vee. What in the world is wrong with you?"
Veronica was exhausted from listening to Cassie yell at her and scold her nonstop for the past hour after she had told her everything that had happened with Ethan and the gift she got from him. She knew too well that Cassie wouldn't let her be once she heard about this, but she needed to talk to someone about it and Cassie was the best candidate.
"I know Cass I do. But would you stop shouting at me already. " Cassie had been pacing around the room making Veronica anxious by the minute. She finally sat next to her like she would always do whenever it was 'girl talk time'. Technically, that meant either one of them had done something that they shouldn't have and most of the time it always happened to be Veronica. "Why did you go to his place?" Cassie asked in a much calmer tone. " To thank him for his present," Veronica said over a bottle of tequila that she had been holding from the moment she got there. Cassie was giving her the suspicious eye and she was drinking to distract herself from everything in her mind and the constant scolding from her best friend.
"Vee, I'm your best friend. We both know that isn't the only reason you went there."
Cassie was right. If she only wanted to thank him she wouldn't have gone to his place. She was a 'thank you text' kind of person and would never have gone to the trouble of visiting someone. If so, she would have had to visit more than ten people already considering the number of gifts she was getting for her birthday. Thanking him was an excuse but deep down, she wanted to see him. She had missed him and probably wanted to know if he did too. If he did not then he never would have sent her a gift after all. She wanted him to see her. See how much she had gotten better and even she knew it. See that she was happy and doing fine even without him even though she knew that this was not entirely true. She had been a mess without him so much so over the months when he was away, she got so good at drinking. She drank to forget him and feel better, but even alcohol wasn't enough. Her ego wouldn't let her admit to any of this and it was exactly as it had been months ago. Her mind went back to the last time she saw him. She had gone to watch a game his team had three days before that. He played basketball and was the best in his team. She was his number one fan, or maybe she believed that because that's what he said. When his team won, he had taken her for dinner at her favorite restaurant leaving behind his friends. The night was amazing up until Esther showed up. Esther was his ex, the first girl he fell in love with and the one girl who had constantly made their relationship hell. She was on and off with him and for her sake he made Veronica an option in a way. That's what you get for loving a guy who doesn't love you the same way right? Esther came to their table acting all nice like she always did and Ethan did the one thing he was always good at, tolerating her and entertaining her. After all she was his childhood friend and you don't just cut off ties. Veronica knew that Esther wasn't there for their friendship, she wanted Ethan for herself now that he seemed to be moving on. When Vee could not take it any longer, she pulled Ethan aside.
In an angry tone she asked, "what is she doing here?"
"She's only here to celebrate my win nothing else,"
"Really? Can't you see what she's up to? She's been trying to get close to you for such a long time and you haven't noticed?"
"Vee I promise nothing like that's happening. Besides, do I ever say something when it's about you and Chris..."
" What's that supposed to mean," she interrupted, knowing too well that he was trying to insinuate something.
" I just don't get why you have to be so worked up over nothing. It's all clearly in your head."
"If I have to remind you, Chris and I didn't date for three years in the period of our friendship and he has never been as close to me as she is to you. Next time you want to celebrate your wins with her, don't involve me. Seems to me like you already had plans in mind." With that, Veronica walked away ignoring Ethan's attempts to talk to her. She then went silent on him and would not pick his calls or answer his texts.
He showed up on her front porch two days after the incident with a bouquet of flowers in hand. She was coming from a party which she left early since she could not stand watching couples and not think of Ethan. She was a bit drunk and wanted to go home and just lie on her bed when she met this surprise visit. "Ethan? What are you doing here?" she asked looking confused.
" Well, since I figured you were not going to talk to me anytime soon or return my calls, I came to see you."
"I was going to..."
"Just let me finish please." She kept quiet and waited for him to speak.
"You were right about Esther. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you. And I'm sorry for accusing you of having anything to do with Chris. I acted like a total jerk and you have every right to be mad at me but I want to fix this if you let me. I love you Veronica."
He looked at her, expecting her to say something. Instead, she walked up to him and took the flowers from him. Smelt them and smiled before moving past him to the door. Standing with the door half open she said, "you coming?" and he followed her in. She closed the door behind him not letting him go anywhere. She pulled him by the collar of his shirt and was teasing him. She was drunk after all and all her actions would be blamed on the alcohol later. He was getting hard and horny by the minute and Veronica was driving him crazy but he knew she had been drinking. " You know I can't control myself when you do that Vee."
In the most seductive voice with a cheeky smile,she whispered into his ear, "then don't."
With that, he grabbed her by the waist pulling her closer to him. He kissed her hungrily pinning her to the wall. He lifted her grey mini dress and threw it aside. She felt tingles in her stomach with every touch as he ran his hands over her body down to her lacy thong and touched her clit sending a wave of sensations through her. It was his turn to tease her and he was perfect at it. She moaned a bit feeling herself start to lose control. His hand cupped her breasts and played with her nipples which had gotten hard. She was wet and...
"Vee,are you even listening to me?" Cassie snapped at her bringing her back to reality. "Sorry, I had my mind elsewhere."
"I noticed." She gave her a look of concern and asked, "are you still in love with him?" But Veronica was silent. She knew what her answer was but she didn't want to accept it. It drove her crazy to think that she was still in love with Ethan. She couldn't be. She had moved on already. She has someone else. Someone better, someone who loved her so deeply and wouldn't hurt her. That made her feel guilty because she did not want to hurt him, but with Ethan involved she didn't know if she could keep that up yet she had to. Filled with exasperation and with the influence of the bottle of tequila she was having, she broke down. She didn't even understand why she was crying but she could not control it and Cassie hugged her in an effort to help her calm down. She eventually passed out on the couch and slept.

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