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Cassie had been sitting on Veronica's couch scrolling through the tv for something to watch. She was not exactly watching though as her mind kept going back to the conversation she had that morning. It was crystal clear that Veronica had started warming up to Ethan again and it would be extremely difficult to get her back. Chris had been a good distraction but she did not love him as much as she did Ethan.
In that moment she gave herself a scolding, thinking about just how bad of a friend she was having kept the secret for so long. Maybe if she told her, Veronica would not find it so difficult to let Ethan go but it would also break her. How could she tell her that the person who had caused her pain indirectly was someone so close to her, her best friend. She would not take it lightly.
Veronica on the other hand had been racing to get home before Ethan. The worst thing that could happen was him meeting up with Cassie at her place. It would raise so many questions and definitely spark an argument and as it was she had enough to worry about.
There was a knock on the door and when she checked out who it was, she felt herself boil in rage.
"What are you doing here?"
"Cass I'm not here to argue I just want to see Veronica."
"Well then its a good thing she's not here."
"You expect me to believe that?"
"I don't care if you believe me or not she's not here."
Ethan was not buying another one of her lies. He moved past her calling out for Veronica despite her attempts to stop him. He searched the whole house when finally he realized that she had been telling the truth.
"Like I said, she's not here."
"Where is she?"
"I don't know and even if I did, there's no way I would have told you."
"What's your deal Cassie? Is it not enough that you made her hate me by forcing me to leave?"
Veronica had gotten home and seen Ethan's car parked outside. She ran to the door that was slightly open, thinking of the worst that could happen with the two alone in one room but before she could go in, she heard them arguing. Curiosity got the better of her and she stood by the door listening in on their argument. They were oblivious to the fact that they were shouting at each other and she could hear every word.
"Do you want to know what my deal is? It's you. I hate you and I hate you being around Veronica. All you'll do is hurt her."
"Just because you made a mistake that night doesn't mean you should pin it all on me. I love Veronica. You are the one causing a problem here."
"Oh really? Am I the one who got my ex girlfriend pregnant a week before planning to propose to my girlfriend? Ethan I'm not the problem, you are. "
"Cassie you drove me away from Veronica because of your guilt. You literally blackmailed me to leave her. The fact that you kissed me that night was not my fault. You can't keep blaming me for what you did."
"It was a mistake I had no idea it was you..."
"So your explanation is valid but mine isn't?"
"For fuck sake Ethan she's carrying your baby. You think Veronica would take that lightly?"
Veronica suddenly stumbled in holding the door handle to steady herself from the feeling of dizziness that was taking over her. They both turned to look at her at the same time not expecting her to have just showed up.
"Veronica!!" Ethan had shouted as he moved towards her to help her get up. He stopped in his tracks when she held out her hand to stop him from getting any closer.
"Stay-stay away. I'm fine."
She stood up straight fighting off the feeling she had.
"Vee," Cassie called out.
"I'm- I'm sorry,"she stuttered, "I didn't know you guys were talking."
"Vee listen please..."
"No. No it's totally fine. I just need my keys then I'll leave you both okay. "
She made her way to the table and Cassie moved forward reaching out to her. Once again she held out her hand not able to look at her best friend.
"Please...stay away. Please."
"Veronica let's talk this out please," Cassie pleaded.
"There's nothing to talk about Cass. I think I just... I came in at the wrong time so I'll just leave and let you guys talk."
Before anyone could say anything more, she grabbed her keys and bag and almost ran out the door to her car. The moment she got in, she locked it seeing that Cassie had followed her outside. She started the car and drove off ignoring Cassie and Ethan who were calling out to her. She had no idea where she was going but she did not stop until she made sure she was far away from them. She stopped her car as  streams of tears flowed from her eyes blurring her vision.
She could not believe it. The whole time Ethan had been ghosting her was because of Cassie. Her best friend was the reason for her months of pain. And the kiss? When did that even happen and Esther too was pregnant? What in heavens was going on.
How was all this happening? How did she not know anything yet her best friend knew everything? Did Cassie not once think to tell her all these things? The one person she trusted above everyone else was keeping things from her. She felt like she was chocking up trying to hold back her tears and she let them flow shutting everything else out in that moment.
She had been crying so much she fell asleep in her car without knowing and was woken up by the sound of her phone ringing.
It was Ethan calling her. She hanged up and saw her notification had more than twenty missed calls from Ethan and Cassie and messages. She was not going to talk to them so she switched off her phone.
It was dark and probably getting late and she thought of the one place she could go. To run away from everything going on in her life and shut the world out. No Cassie, no Ethan, no more unwanted surprises and definitely no engagement. She just needed to feel free for a second and not have all these responsibilities and thoughts.

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