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Selective dissociative amnesia.
That was what the doctor called it. Her brain was blocking out certain parts of her memory. The impact on her brain may have put her in a state of shock and trauma. That then caused her brain to block out the memories.

Her case was a rare one though. Normally, a patient would block out the events prior to the accident but she was blocking out memories way before her accident. There must have been certain things or events in her life then that she wanted to forget.

Ethan knew what it was. She wanted to forget the day he left. She was blocking that out. He recalled that before the accident, he had wished for her to forget the mean things he said, but she had forgotten more than that. More than he expected anyone to forget about their own lives. She even forgot what he looked like yet maintained every single detail about him. How was that even possible?

It had been four weeks of trying to get her memories back with different memory exercises but so far, nothing had worked.

So much had happened in the four weeks including Ethan getting arrested and Henry being the one to get him out. His phone records had tracked back to his last conversation with Veronica and it had been more than enough evidence to release him since his phone auto recorded the conversation, and get Chris in jail. They did not bother following up on Chris afterwards believing the law did its job.

The person who tried to kill Veronica by running her over had turned out to be Cassie. She got to them before Chris did and took the opportunity to run over her love rival. She had an obsession over Ethan, so much so she had been recommended to an asylum. Cassie was declared mentally unstable and she definitely was. She had gone full psycho by the time she was getting arrested and had been of  much  help  outing Chris too.

Gia was found at Chris' place. She was okay, just a bit shaken by what happened to her sister and herself too.

Veronica on the other hand had started dealing with most of her pregnancy symptoms and one thing she did a lot was sleep. Everyone else said it was normal but she did not want any of it. She had several alarms set to make sure she woke up on time. Not that they worked anyway.

She was constantly tired and always eating. She had come to love anything sugary and she hated it. The cravings, the mood changes, even her body felt different.

She was home, with her entire family and Henry. Last she recalled, she still hated her dad and Stephanie. Everyone else told her she had fixed things with her family. It was all so confusing, especially with everyone constantly around her anxiously waiting for her to recall something, anything.

She was seated with Gia who had literally pulled her away from breakfast to show her pictures taken while she was last at home. Some of them were not taken there, Ethan was in them. Every time Gia would point at a picture and describe exactly what happened before the picture was taken, she would then stare into Veronica's eyes, expecting her to remember what she was talking about.

When Veronica could no longer stand it, she abruptly got up and left to her room upstairs. Ethan was watching them. He was staying at their place temporarily. At least until she remembered something. He could help trigger something in her memory.

He followed Veronica to her room, signalling for Gia to let him talk to her.

"Go away Gia," Veronica yelled when she heard the knock on her door.

Ethan however got into the room, "it's me."

Veronica got up from the bed, having not expected him to follow her. Things had been weird between them. She could not even bring herself to look him in the eye.

Ethan knew she was avoiding him. Avoiding having to feel the guilt of knowing yet not knowing him, and as frustrating as it was, he was patient enough. Partly because he still blamed himself for what happened to her.

"Can we talk?" He asked standing across from where she lay.


Veronica sat curled up on her bed her eyes staring at the sheets not so neatly spread on her bed. This conversation did not seem like it would be a pleasurable one but it was high time she faced Ethan and aired out whatever she had been keeping inside.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing I just want to be alone."

She could not even look at him while speaking. Not because she lacked confidence. Veronica was the most confident person Ethan knew, but he was a stranger to her. She probably had no clue how to act around him and the thought broke his heart.

"I'm just tired of everyone treating me so differently," she complained, " you all keep looking at me like you expect me to remember everything instantly. Gia won't stop showing me pictures I have no clue of when they were taken and how it will help trigger memory and this pregnancy which I am in no way prepared for is making me feel all sorts of ways... I need a break from all this. I need some air and some space so please, please let me be."

The moment she was done speaking, her phone rang and without waiting for a response from Ethan, she picked it up and received the call from an unknown number. The first words spoken were

"He's coming for you. Watch yourself."

The call was ended from the other end and Veronica stared at Ethan in confusion. From his expression, he was curious and had therefore not heard anything. She wondered who that might have been, or who the 'he' being referred to was, but for some reason, she was not going to tell anyone.

Christ!!! It's been forever since I updated this and I'm making a book two the moment we get to a thousand reads. For now,  I'd love to end this first book on this chapter and finish up on my other book, IT'S ME AGAIN. If you haven't checked that out, please do and in the meantime as you all await a second book for Veronica and Ethan, I have one more coming up and can I just say, I love this book.
Title, PERFECT TEMPTATION which I'll be publishing this week.
Thank you so much for keeping me company throughout writing MTT. I had fun and I hope to see you in the second book.
Love, Gift Einalem ♥️

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