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"Cullhane?" Veronica called out as she went downstairs. In minutes, he showed up to her.

"Yes miss?"

"Cullhane please - you need to take me to the hospital. Something's not right."

"What's wrong?"

"Just take me to the the hospital Cullhane."

"But miss, the boss... he'd kill me if I let you out."

Veronica knew that words would not convince Cullhane. He was following strict orders from Chris so she had to put her acting skills into practice. He had left the house about an hour ago and there was no sign of him returning early.

She pretended to feel dizzy and faint and he held her, panicking with confusion. He immediately called another guard along with the chauffeur and rushed Veronica to the car where they drove off to the hospital.

It was getting difficult to keep up the pretence especially when she'd gotten to the hospital. She had to withstand all the injections as her blood was taken for testing without flinching but she kept it all up. She did it if it meant finding a way to leave.

She knew however that the tests would reveal nothing and they would eventually ask Cullhane to keep waiting and he would then have already called Chris to the hospital. She had to be out of there before he arrived and she got the perfect chance when Cullhane went to the hospital's cafeteria and the doctors went to run more blood tests.

She got out of bed and went to a 'staff only' room where she found scrubs. She quickly changed into them and put on a mask before leaving. On her way out, she saw Chris getting into the building and had to hide from him. It was a race against time since the moment he was to find out she was gone, he would be looking for her. Once she was out, she immediately got into a taxi and immediately asked the driver to go as fast as he could. Luckily, he did not recognize her so he did not ask questions and her first stop was Ethan's house.

Ethan opened the door and took a moment to look at her, surprised that she was actually there. She moved past him into the house wasting no time and not even giving him the chance to speak. In her mind, she knew that this was the first place Chris would come looking for her.

"Is it true? Are you really getting married?"

"What are you doing here and what are you wearing?"

"Just answer my question first Ethan. Are you marrying her?"

"Marrying who? I'm not marrying anyone. Where'd you even get that from?"

"The news Ethan...So you're either lying or you're having a wedding you know nothing about. Which one is it?"

"Vee ... just sit down first. I promise I have no idea what you're talking about and besides, why are you questioning me? I thought you decided to marry Chris. The live notice, moving in with him and it was all so sudden ..."

"Wait,what? Of course not. I thought Cassie told you everything."

"Told me what? That you're deeply in love with Chris and you want to settle down with him as soon as possible. Yeah, she did. You know I was actually surprised after the..."

"Ethan what are you talking about? That's- that's not what she said."

"Okay, could you explain it to me coz I'm seriously not understanding what's going on here. I know what she told me."

"Ethan," she called out feeling exasperated, "there's honestly no time to explain. He's going to be here soon."

"Who is?"


"Why is he looking for you here and why are you wearing scrubs? What's going on Veronica?"

"Please just let me explain everything later. Let's just leave."

Ethan was not convinced but he followed her and they drove off in his car. Shortly after they had left, Chris arrived accompanied by his men and they searched Ethan's house. He kicked the car tyre in frustration when they found no one before ordering for them to find him as soon as possible. He then called Cassie.

"Where's your friend Cassandra?"

"Why are you asking me? Isn't she supposed to be with you?"

"Well she ran away and I need you to find out where she is."

"But Chris I'm not even..."

"You have 24 hours. Get back to me with good news or I'll forget the promise I made to you."

He hanged up and threw his phone aside driving off to the house. He then called a chief inspector to report his 'wife's ' kidnapping leaving a hot trail of police officers and his men in search of Ethan and Veronica.

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