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*The search continues for miss Veronica Mares who was reportedly kidnapped by Ethan Holmes. A well renown artist here in Greenville City whom, according to sources, is her ex lover. The police are now hunting for Ethan Holmes who is believed to have done this as a way of stopping the wedding plans between...*

"You really should not pay attention to these kinds of news," Ethan said, switching off the car radio.

It was 10am in the morning and since the storm had passed, they were back on the road. Ethan's phone had run out of battery and Veronica's phone was having no reception. She had already tried calling her father several times to let him know of what was happening.

Ethan had been going around all morning in search of help fixing the car and any means to find food. He was starving and he could tell that aside from the constant worried look she had on her face, Veronica was quite famished too. All he had managed to get were some snacks stashed in the car which they had the previous night while at the abandoned house.

The police hunt for him had also made it a bit harder to move just about anywhere without having to hide his identity but he had barely seen anyone in the area who recognized him. His photos must have been on tv or at least pictures of Veronica. Damn you Chris Thompson. It was his fault they were going through so much. Why was it so hard for him to just accept that she did not want him?

"It would be much easier to do that if I did not know you're being hunted by the police..."

"That's only because they don't know the entire truth. Chris is only controlling them with lies."

"I know that, but they don't and it's you who's in danger here. They think you've kidnapped me and honestly...who knows what else he might have asked them to do."

Veronica looked deep into his eyes and he could see the fear she had in her. He wanted to reassure her. Make her believe that everything would be fine. In his head it would all go quite smoothly. Once everyone learnt the truth, it would be Chris facing the law instead of him.

For Veronica, it was all quite different. She knew that Chris would go to any length to have his way even if it meant hurting some people in the process. Even if those people involved Ethan. She was not willing to take the risk.

Ethan hugged her, trying to take her mind off her thoughts. She had always felt safe in his arms, but this time, he was the one in need of protection more than she was. She could feel his strong heart beat and the warmth of his body and only one thing went through her mind.

"I'm scared. I have a really bad feeling about everything."

"You shouldn't be scared. We'll get through this I promise," Ethan said slowly patting her hair as though in a way it was definitely going to help relieve her.
"What do you mean it was a rumor? This is all over the news."

"I know I can see that but I don't know where they got the idea."

"I know Ethan, okay, he is not capable of doing such a them just - tell them to take it down."

"I can't Gia."

"Then I'll just call dad and tell him to."

"I can't let you do that," Chris said grabbing her phone and getting the guards to grab her.

"What are you doing, let go of me."

Gia tried fighting off the two strong men holding her arms and carrying her midair as she kicked. Chris instructed them to lock her up and even tie her up if the need arose. The last thing he wanted was someone meddling in his business.

This time once he got Veronica back, he would move with her out of the country. It would most definitely be a place where no one would reach them and she would not be able to move anywhere. That would leave her with no choice except to stay with him.

He was going to have her no matter what, so it was no big deal knocking heads with her father or her entire family. Just then he received a call from his mother who sounded really mad, but it was not enough to scare him. She always gave in to him the end

"What is this going about all over the news Chris? I thought Veronica was with you. Did she not agree to marrying you? Why is she off with that Ethan guy again?"

"She is not off with him, he took her and I'm handling it mother."

"You do realize this could create a really bad image for the company and your political career..."

"For the last time mother I have no interest in politics."

"You can always change your mind and follow in the family line like..."

Chris sighed in frustration. He had gone over this before. He was not going to follow in his family's line of politics. He had done everything she had asked of him his entire life and the only one time he failed to listen was when she had told him to let Veronica go. She had eventually accepted the fact that he would not but kept on nagging about politics. She had no idea the love he had was one sided and he was trying to keep Veronica to himself forcefully.

"I'm going to hang up now. I'll call you later."

Ethan hanged up before his mother could say anything more and went to his car. He had a group of police officers at his place who were to escort him in search of Veronica for his safety. From what he had told them, they thought Ethan was armed and anything could happen. Some of them were people he was close with and he knew that they would do absolutely anything he told them to.

He had an upper hand in all this and he would make sure Ethan was not going to return.He had not told any of this to Cassie because she would have interfered but one of the officers had instructions to shoot Ethan on site. In return Chris would pay him handsomely and he would get a good job position at his company. Everyone had a price after all and he had the money.

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