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Veronica woke up from the loud agonizing sound of her phone ringtone. She sluggishly moved her hand to grab the phone from the mini cupboard she had beside her bed and answer to whoever this was so early in the morning. She wondered what time it was. Ethan was beside her his arm around her and she had to move stealthily to not wake him up. He looked so cute sleeping even with his messed up hair she could stare at him for hours or take pictures of him without his knowledge like she used to before. Her gallery would be full of pictures taken of him whether they were out on dates or just random pictures anywhere. She had deleted all of them, well Cassie did to help her healing process. If it were up to her, she would have them still, but at the moment she had a call to answer. It was Cassie.
"Are you seriously still asleep?"
She sighed at her best friend's obvious lack of etiquette in how to start a conversation especially this early in the morning but that was typical Cassie.
"Good morning to you too Cass, my night was perfect thanks for asking, how was yours?"
"You're alive the greetings can be saved for later. Do you know what day it is today?"
"It's Friday...Cassie you have a calendar why did you wake me up for this?"
" Do I need to remind you that today is the day your boyfriend is made president of his company and you need to be there?"
That was when Chris crossed her mind. She was literally lying beside the man she cheated on her boyfriend with on the morning of an important day for him and the man happened to be her ex. She thought of the event. She had totally forgotten about it having been so busy getting blackmailed, almost kidnapped and making out with the one person she was not supposed to. Except, that was not what made it all bad, what did was the fact that she did not feel bad about it. On the contrary, she enjoyed it and that should have made her feel guilty, but it did not.
"Are you still there?" Cassie asked realizing how oddly quiet she had become.
"Yeah- that's at 12 so I guess I still have time. I'll get up now and pass by..."
"Uuuuh guurl," Cassie interrupted, "I'm not sure your clock is accurate because mine says you have just about two hours to get ready and that's not a lot of time."
Veronica checked her clock "shit" she muttered louder than she expected to as she abruptly got up noticing it was 10am and she realized she had woken Ethan up.
"What..." she covered up his mouth before he could say anything more and prayed that Cassie had not heard him. Ethan was surprised by her reaction but instead of moving her hand, he held her waist bringing her down on top of him. She did not expect it and squealed almost laughing out loud.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes Cass, I'm just shocked at the time. Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"
" I thought you were awake and besides this is an important event for your man, I didn't think I'd have to wake you up."
Veronica knew if she did not end the conversation and stop Cassie, she would probably get a scolding so early in the morning and aside from that, she was afraid she would end up making more sounds as Ethan would not stop tickling her and playing and that would make Cassie suspicious. She was trying so hard not to burst out laughing as she fought to stop him.
"I'll get ready and meet you there"
"Don't bother, I'm coming over to your place. Besides I need a ride."
Veronica said clearly taken back and in that moment even Ethan stopped. She knew that if Cassie came to her place, she would most probably find Ethan and that would be hell.
"That was the plan right? I mean you planned all this yourself."
Damn Veronica and all her plans. How was she supposed to know that Ethan would be with her then. She had no way of going back on it so she was left with only one choice and that was to make Ethan leave before Cassie arrived.
" Sorry it's just that the house is a mess and you know me. I didn't want you to see it this way," she explained knowing her reaction to Cassie coming over may have brought up questions. "It's okay though, I think I'll be done by the time you're here."
"Okay, I'll be there in an hour."
Veronica hanged up turning to Ethan who was watching her intently with a worried look that somewhat also had a hint of disappointment and he noticed it .
"What is it?"
"It's Cassie. She's coming over and she can't find you here."
Ethan himself was not in any way thrilled with the idea of meeting up with Cassie. She would probably make sure to ruin his day just as the sight of him would ruin hers. Veronica did not bring up Chris or the event knowing that it would change the mood between them. That was the last thing she wanted.
They showered together and almost lost track of time when she remembered she only had an hour to Cassie's arrival. Ethan left not long before she arrived. She helped Veronica get ready and soon afterwards they both left for the event which was forty minutes away with Cassie driving them both at full speed.

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