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Veronica ran through the hospital doors over to the reception leaving her dad as he parked the car at a better spot. She had to catch her breathe before she could speak to the nurses at the reception. She assumed that was what they were from the scrubs they wore.

"Hi. Could you please tell me the room number Ethan Holmes is in. He was admitted here about two days ago."

"You're Veronica Mares?" One of the nurses asked her.

"Yes I am."

"I'm the one who called you earlier. You can go see him but first you need to fill this form please," she handed Veronica a form that required her to give details about Ethan including how she was related to him.

What in the world was she supposed to write on that? She had no idea who she was to Ethan. But what was he to her? She completed filling the form and gave it to the nurse who told her in which room she would find Ethan.

It was on the third floor and she took the stairs when she thought the elevator was taking too long. Perhaps it was because she was in such a rush. She walked into Ethan's room and saw him lying on the bed, unconscious with a bandage covering his forehead all round.

She went over to him and held his hand not taking her eyes off of him. She sort of broke down there seeing how helpless he was. How long had he been there? Unaware of everything going on around him. He must have been on his way looking for her when it happened. This was partly her fault.

Henry came in and watched as his daughter, his engaged daughter, cried over the man he had never seen. It was clearly written in her eyes, her tears and even in the way she looked at him, she loved him. He did not understand why she was getting married to Chris Thompson though when her heart belonged to someone else already.

He did not say anything to her seeing her devastation over Ethan's condition. It was not the right time for a confrontation. He left the room, giving her the privacy she needed and soon she fell asleep on a chair she had pulled beside the bed, her head on the mattress and her hand still holding on to Ethan's.

Ethan fluttered his eyes open and scanned the unfamiliar room he was in. It was a hospital. He could tell from what it looked like and the drip on his hand. Besides, he knew the hospital smell he hated so much as it went straight into his nostrils. He could not however recall how he got there. The last thing he could remember was racing to get away from the monstrous truck that was going after him. It hit him and he only recalled his car rolling into the gulley that was beside the road .

Someone was holding his hand. A touch he was very familiar with. But how? She ran away. He could not find her so how was she here?


She stirred in her sleep when she heard his voice call out to her. It must have been a dream but the second time, it could not have been that.

She opened her eyes and suddenly sat up. He was awake. It really was Ethan calling her.
"Ethan? You're awake."

She immediately pressed a button that was supposed to call the doctor and sat beside Ethan who was looking at her, trying to read her emotions.

"Veronica I know you're mad at me..."

"Sssssh...hey? It's fine. I'm not mad at you... I am a little though because I just don't get why you'd be so reckless with your own life Ethan. Were you over speeding? Is that how you got into an accident?"

"No I wasn't..."

He did not get to finish his sentence when they heard the knock on the door. A nurse came in along with a doctor to check on Ethan. The nurse was constantly gawking at him and Veronica felt her blood boil at the nurse's lack of professionalism. It was clearly jealousy but she hid it behind a smile.

Turned out the police were also called to take a statement, to know the cause of the accident and Ethan gave his story about the truck that intentionally rammed into his car. Before the incident a specific car had been following him a lot for three days in a row and he gave them its plate number since he did not see who was driving the car. It was no coincidence though how the events fell through.

Veronica recognized the car Ethan described to the police. How could she not, it was her fiance's car. He used it on rare occasions and especially whenever he took her out on dates. Why was Chris following Ethan? Could he have been the one who tried to kill him? No. It was too early to jump into conclusions. She had to at least have proof of the claims in her head before accusing Chris of such a crime. Besides Chris would never do that.

She did not mention anything to the police and they eventually left with a case on their hands.

"Hey. Are you okay? You seem kinda lost," Ethan asked bringing her out of her cloud of thoughts.

"Yes," she smiled, "I'm fine. I- I just remembered something I needed to do urgently. I'll be back in an hour."

She did not give him a chance to try and stop her. Her father had gone back home early that morning and left her a message and her car keys in the room.
She grabbed the keys and was soon on her way to confront Chris.

Cassie called her when she was on her way to Chris' place, glad that she could finally reach her, that too with response from her.

"Veronica? It's been days..."

"Before you ask, yes, I am completely fine and I was at home. Also, I'm not sure if I'm mad at you anymore but I really can't talk now I'm on my way to see Chris."

"About that, he called me looking for you and I had to lie and tell him you were spending the weekend at my place."

"It's okay. Thanks."

She hanged up on Cassie speeding her way to the grand mansion. At least he did not live with his entire family. She definitely was in no mood or correct mind frame for formalities as the worst kept going through her head. Could Chris really have done what she thought he did?

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