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Ethan had been sitting on his couch for the past one hour since Veronica left. Her image was engraved in his mind and if there was any word to describe how she looked he had probably never heard of it. One thing was clear and that was the fact that she had not forgiven him for his actions towards her. He could not blame her. If it was him in her position, his reaction would have been far worse. But that's the thing. She had always been this good,especially when it involved him.
She was right about him having wanted her back. She had always been right about a lot of things. His only problem was he didn't know how he was to explain his actions to her. How was he to tell her that he had mixed up emotions without making her hate him in the end? He had been so scared of getting his heart broken that he ran from his feelings. He acted so selfishly and cowardly and in turn hurt the one person who he came to realize had loved him so genuinely. He knew she probably might never forgive him but he was willing to give it a try anyway.
This time for a change he would be the one to try make things work out between them. He felt a soul connection to her. They had broken up four times already and gotten back together. If that was not a sign that they were meant to be then he didn't know what was. He was going to get her back no matter what and he knew exactly where to start.
Veronica was woken up by the sound of her phone ringing. She looked at the caller id and immediately hang up making Cassie who was just coming in from the kitchen with a glass of some sort of juice question her. "It's my dad," she said, knowing she would have to tell her anyway. "You're still not talking to him?" Veronica simply put her face on the cushion clearly not having any interest in talking about it. "Vee you know you can't avoid your father forever."
"Uuuuh...yes I can and I am," she said raising her head to look at Cassie.
"He called me," and this finally grabbed her attention making her sit up. "When?"
"Yesterday. But you were too busy visiting your ex boyfriend." Veronica rolled her eyes. She'd already had enough scolding about Ethan and she wouldn't go into the topic again. To make it worse, her family drama was once again catching up with her no matter where she was. "Vee you have to talk to him just once. He's still your dad after all."
"Perhaps he should have thought of that before using me like some insurance policy. He didn't consider my emotions did he. So I don't care what he does but I'm not talking to him. Besides, he's probably having the time of his life with his new family. Why pretend to think of me."
Cassie knew that even though she spoke so coldly, she was hurting on the inside. When it came to family Veronica was always sensitive. Matter of fact the only reason she decided to move on from Ethan was for her family and not herself. That must have been the reason he still affected her even then. She was the first child of the four that were there and after their mother passed away, she was left with the responsibility of taking care of her siblings. It was already too much to take on and her step dad abandoned them right before her biological father got into the picture wanting his kids back. In real sense he only wanted her mother's money and he made sure he got half of it. She hated him to the core for that and for someone who had been a daddy's girl, it meant she really was hurt.
Veronica was good at keeping her emotions from her family, but when Ethan happened, she couldn't hide it. Her pain made them so worried that when she saw how much it hurt them, she decided to let go of her past. But it was all coming back to her, stronger than before and Cassie had no idea how to help her friend. Veronica had failed to realize that keeping so much hurt and pain inside her was affecting her too more than it affected anyone who inflicted pain in her. After all her daddy issues probably led her into Ethan's arms because the same way she loved, she wanted to be loved. But she didn't know what it truly was and that was going to get her hurt everytime. She saw that Veronica had started drifting away in thought, but this was her birthday and she intended to help her celebrate.
"Drink this," she said handing her the glass she was carrying. Veronica looked at it then looked back at Cassie confused, "what's in that?"
" Just drink it. It'll help you fully sober up. We have a party to go to."
That's when Veronica suddenly remembered," oh shoot! Cass my birthday party. I don't even have a dress. What will I wear. And Chris- I was supposed to call Chris at noon. How in the world..."
" Would you relax," Cassie said sitting beside her,
"I got you covered. You have a dress and don't worry, I called Chris already, explained that you had a bit of girl crisis. He's totally cool don't worry."
Veronica was so relieved she hugged Cassie, "what would I do without you."
She got up to go take a shower after reluctantly gulping down the drink Cassie gave her.
"Are you going to tell Chris about Ethan?" Cassie asked stopping Veronica in her tracks.
" Why?"
"Coz he's going to have to know sooner or later."
"Wow Cass," she said full of sarcasm,"what an amazing idea. I should walk up to my boyfriend and tell him I went to see my ex whom he knows of and that I might still like him for what reasons? You think he'll hug me afterwards? No. He will hate me Cass so NO! I will not tell him about Ethan."
"So you do like him still?" That's when Veronica realized what she had just said and regretted it instantly. She wasn't going to hear anything more about Ethan so she avoided talking about it further and went into the bathroom for a shower. Just then, the doorbell rang and when Cassie went to get it, Ethan stood outside with a bunch of flowers in hand. He gave an anxious smile to Cassie who clearly was not buying any of it.
"Hey Cassie."

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