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"For someone who got engaged yesterday night you sure as hell don't look happy," Cassie spoke to a stressed out Veronica who had barely had any sleep the  previous night. She got home in the morning after spending the night at Chris' place feeling forced to show happiness and excitement after getting engaged. She had no idea she was such a good actress and while Chris snored away, she could not sleep a wink convincing herself that it was all probably a dream. A bad nightmare for that matter but when morning came,it was her reality. She got home to immediately call Cassie saying it was urgent. Cassie had just arrived at her doorstep and instead of a proper greeting, that was the first thing she said before getting in.
"What's going on? You don't look okay."
"That's coz I'm not Cassie," Veronica said as they both sat down, "I'm so confused I don't even know what's going on in my life anymore."
"I thought you'd be happy getting married. I mean any girl in your shoes would."
"Exactly Cassie. I'm not just any girl. You know just how much I'm against marriage and this -this is all happening too fast."
"Okay. Calm down. You just got engaged not married so you can back out of this anytime you want to."
"Back out?" Veronica scoffed, "I am literally on the top most watched video right now and every article is about me and Chris 'the perfect couple'," she said making it out with her hands like it was written in air.
"I can't just back out of this."
"But why would you even want to? I mean Chris is literally the prince charming in your Cinderella story and he clearly loves you so I don't get why you don't want to get married to him."
"Cass we've only been together for a month, I barely know the guy..."
"You mean you've not slept with the guy?"
Veronica did not answer her as she diverted her gaze elsewhere clearly avoiding Cassie's.
"Wait! Don't tell me - oh my goodness you have."
Cassie's eyes widened in shock while Veronica got up from the chair feeling like she was being driven crazy with everything.
"How come I don't know? "
"For christ sake it only happened last night Cass and I couldn't say no. I'd just gotten engaged to him. It would all seem too weird."
"At least that's a step to building something."
"No Cass it's not. And that wasn't what I meant by knowing nothing about him."
"Then what is it?"
"Chris doesn't know me. He doesn't know what I like or don't like. He doesn't even know my favorite color or my most common phrase or my favorite book..."
"And next you'll probably say he doesn't know the color of your eyes or your nickname in middle school."
"He knows that, we basically studied together before they moved away."
"My point is, he can learn all this things in time. "
"But ..."
"Veronica?" Cassie called out in a soft concerned voice, "what's going on?"
Veronica sat back on the chair throwing her body onto it like she had no life in her and she sighed in frustration.
"Well- thing is I don't think I'm ready for this. I don't even know if he's really the one. I mean he's nice and all, and successful and a hopeless romantic, like me and on top of it all he's good looking and definitely was the most eligible bachelor till last night. He's everything I want in a guy..."
"But he's not who you want."
Veronica only stared into space sighing heavily and did not say anything.
"Does Ethan have anything to do with this- confusion?"
"Not him again Vee. You know what he did last time you can't possibly let that happen again."
"I know Cass believe me. But he just seems so different this time..."
"I can't with you. Honestly I need coffee if this is the kind of conversation we're having."
Cassie went to the kitchen looking pissed but at the same time tired of going over the same thing countless times.
Ethan showed up and ruined the progress Veronica had made so far in a matter of days and she did not know if it would be possible to contain him this time. She did not want her friend getting hurt again but having him around definitely meant she would.

She started thinking of the secret she had been keeping from her for so long. What if that was the only way to make her get rid of Ethan once and for all? The only problem was either way she would end up hurt and this one would be worse. It would probably cost their friendship and she did not have the courage to break it to her.

Veronica shouted noticing that the milk was almost boiling over and Cassie was not paying attention.
"Where's your head at? You almost got burnt...are you okay?"
"I'm good."
"You don't seem good."
"I'm okay, I just got distracted."
With the secret overwhelming Cassie, she completely left alone the argument she had with Veronica and for some time they both had coffee silently each lost in their own cloud of thoughts.
Veronica's phone rang and the moment she saw who it was, she jumped up in shock startling even Cassie who almost poured her coffee.
"What time is it?"
"Uuuuh 1pm."
"Why? What's going on?"
"I was supposed to meet with my dad an hour ago," she said walking up to her room to get ready leaving her cup of coffee on the table and Cassie confused. She followed her to the room still holding her coffee.
"What do you mean you're meeting your dad...just a few days ago you wouldn't even answer his calls..."
"I met him at the event yesterday."
"Wait, does that mean Chris knows your dad is alive? Did you tell him? Is that why he proposed? Wow! He's even met him already."
"No no and no. It's a long story Cass and I can't explain everything right now. Just please help me pick out some clothes."
"Are you even sure you want to go?"
"I don't have a choice....just don't ask anymore questions and help me."
Veronica definitely did not want to make her dad angry. She had to send him a text saying she was already on her way and was held up in traffic hoping he would not go against his word in anger. Could her week honestly get any worse.

Yeeees people!!! Chapter 13. Didn't know it would get to this and it keeps going. I hope reading this story is interesting to you just as it is to me writing it and thank you for sticking around. If anyone noticed I've been giving double updates to make up for last week and it's flowing in my head like crazy. Please don't forget to vote and leave your comments ♥️lots of love

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