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Veronica was dressed up in the most elegant silver high-thigh slit satin dress. It showed her curves in the most sexual way and the best part was how comfortable she felt in her skin while putting this on. She was waiting for Chris who was on a phone call in the next room,his study, and according to the events planner, they were expected to show up together making their grand entrance as a couple once they guest list was confirmed and everyone had arrived.
It had already been ages since he started the conversation but he eventually got back. The moment he opened the door his attention was all turned to Veronica who was standing in front of the mirror. She was a gem he definitely intended to show to the whole world starting tonight.
Veronica noticed Chris standing at the door. She could see him through the mirror and she wondered why he was not getting in. His gaze made her doubt the image she saw in the mirror. Maybe the dress did not look on her as much as she thought. "Is there something wrong with this? Should I change?"
"No," he said still staring intently at her, "you look amazing."
"Thanks," she smiled then noticed as Chris moved towards her with some look of hunger in his eyes. It made her feel edgy despite the fact that they had been together for almost a month already. He had not touched her yet partly because he did not let her and he was giving her time to warm up to him. He knew what she had been through after Ethan happened and knew she had not fully let go yet.
He touched her shoulder slowly pushing aside the thin straps of her dress. He kissed her shoulder slowly making his way up to her neck and her smell was sensational  with a hint of lavender. She was uncomfortable with it all and could not stop thinking if it had been Ethan instead the entire time. She pulled away from him and went to fix her hair but it was an excuse to get away from the situation.
Chris did not seem offended neither did he complain. He never did and he was always patient. After all, he had waited so long to have her and now that he did , he was not going to jeopardize it all by scaring her off. Meridith, the events planner then appeared in front of the open door asking them to come down as everyone was ready for them.
As they made their way down the stairs, she could not help but notice the overly decorated room which still was surprisingly beautiful. A gigantic picture of her was mounted on a stand at the room's main entrance and even she could not believe how good she looked. Chris really did outdo himself.
The room was packed and thankfully it was a masquerade black and white themed party with all the ladies in white and gents in black. She was so nervous especially now that everyone's attention was on her. She tightened her grip on Chris who noticed and put his hand over hers whispering, "it's okay. I'm here."
They had the first dance from a live band that had been hired to play acoustic versions of songs. Afterwards, he introduced her to his parents who she knew but this time as his girlfriend and most probably his future wife as they had spoken of so many times to Chris so much so he felt pressured to do exactly that.
A large part of the night was spent with Chris introducing Veronica to his family, family friends and his own friends whom she didn't know of to add to the list of those she knew already. It was overwhelming trying to keep in mind the names of all this people and their faces when they took off their masks only once. She was terrible with names and when at long last Cassie showed up, she felt herself finally relax for the first time the entire night. She had realized the fact that she barely knew anyone at her own party so she definitely did not mind stepping aside with her best friend.
"So this is what it feels like to date a governor's son," Cassie said admiring the place, " and to think that this is only a birthday party. What would your wedding look like?" This caught her by surprise and she turned to look at her shocked by her words.
"What wedding?"
"Well your wedding of course,"
"Who said we're getting married?"
"Isn't that the plan?"
Veronica had not answered her yet when one guy from the crowd came up to Cassie and asked for a dance. Veronica did not let her decline and insisted she goes. Once done, she grabbed a glass of champagne and drank as she watched her friend dance.
She was taken abruptly by someone from the crowd who gave her glass to a waiter not giving her a chance to protest. They were on the dance floor and she took a closer look at the man. She would have recognized those eyes anywhere, the way he held her, even his physique. "Ethan?" She asked making it sound like more of a statement, "what are did you even get in here, you're not on the guest list."
"So it's you and Chris now huh," he said ignoring her question. "What does it matter to you?" She said this half hoping he wouldn't get angry since he already seemed like he was and she knew him for his bad temper. If Chris were to realize that he was here, the night would most definitely not end well and she did not want to even imagine what would happen. She began looking around for him to make sure they did not see each other.
"So the kiss, everything that happened yesterday meant nothing to you?"
"Ethan you can't let Chris see you here."
"Answer me Veronica."
"Fine," she said turning to him, "what happened was a mistake Ethan nothing more. Besides, I stopped it before it got out of hand." She got back to looking for Chris in the crowd.
"I don't believe you. I know you so well and I can tell when you're lying." Just then she spotted Chris with his back towards them and he seemed to be looking around probably for her. She pulled Ethan away to a different room that also led them outside keeping in mind they could not use the main door.
"Ethan you need to leave."
"Veronica tell me the truth." At this point she was getting impatient and worried that someone would spot them.
"Yesterday meant nothing. It was just  a moment and it's over so just let it go. I'm moving on okay and... you should too."
"Prove it to me then."
"What?" she asked feeling confused by his statement.
"Prove to me that you've moved on."
"If me dating Chris isn't enough proof for you Ethan then how am I supposed to prove anything to you."
" You think I don't see the spark in your eyes when you look at me. You can't deny it. You don't love him Vee."
"Just because it's different from what we had doesn't mean it isn't genuine. Matter of fact it's more genuine than ours ever was. We were just complicated and toxic to each other and  I'm glad you left. You made me find someone better..."
" Oh so you're now after the rich guys?"
Veronica slapped him in rage. How could he say that about her? He had gone too far and he realized it.
"I'm sorry Vee I didn't mean..."
"Save it Ethan. Just leave." With that she walked back into the party leaving him and he got a call almost immediately from an unknown number.
"Hi baby," he recognized the voice,
"What do you want Esther?"
"Is that any way to talk to the mother of your child?"
"I don't have time for this and I already told you not to call me anymore. You know who to look for if you need anything."
He hanged up and in that moment a figure came out of the shadows. It was Elise, Chris' ex girlfriend and she had heard and recorded everything including the conversation between Ethan and Esther. She smiled to herself as she had the most devious plan in mind.

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