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Veronica had been trying to reach out to Chris but he was intentionally ignoring her for the past week since his fight and the arrest. Ethan had been in jail for a week and on instructions issued by Mrs Thompson, obviously through her son, no one was allowed to see him especially Veronica.

It was obvious that Chris was enjoying having her plead for her lover's sake. He was also intentionally keeping Ethan behind bars longer than he was to stay that too without a clear stated reason or hearing and to top it all, Ethan was not being granted bail.

Veronica had no idea how he was, if his wounds had been tended to, if he even had food...what if they were killing him in that hell hole? He had seriously just been discharged from hospital a week ago and the last thing he needed was an environment as bad as behind bars. She went to see Chris for what she could have counted as the millionth time she had to go to his place without getting to talk to him.

He had promised to make her beg and Ethan had only made it so much easier for him to have his way by coming to see him. He was his weakness and as much as he hated that fact, he did not hesitate to use it against her. This time, for a change, when Veronica came to see him he did not ask Tobi, one of his security guards, to tell her he was away or in a meeting or any other excuse he would come up with. He made her wait in his living room for an hour before finally coming down to see her. She stood up the minute she heard him coming downstairs.

"If you're here to yell at me about your boyfriend again it'd be best if you leave. He attacked me this time."

Well he never would have if you did not try to kill him. Veronica thought and she could have said that if not for the fact that it would have pissed him off and definitely made it harder to convince him to let Ethan go.

"Chris I'm just here to talk."

"Talk huh? Okay miss Mares, I'm listening."

"I know what Ethan did was stupid but he was just angry..."

"What exactly did he do? I don't quite know."

Seriously you want to make me say it to you? Veronica questioned in her mind and if not for her being desperate, she would have left the place already.

"He fought with you that..."

"Fought? Who said he fought me?"

Veronica looked at him confused. What was Chris trying to insinuate? Then she saw the wicked grin that spread across his face and rage fueled through her entire being when she figured out what he meant.

"You know having power can be quite advantageous. All I had to do was make it look like we fought and I managed to fool even you Veronica."

Chris laughed and Veronica in anger tried to hit him when he held her hand and pulled it to her back making her wince in pain as she tried to break free from him. He was behind her one hand holding both her hands and the other pulling her hair.

"Let go of me Chris."

"You know you look really pretty when you're angry."

"Let me..."

"Now you listen to me sweetheart. If you want your boyfriend out, you're going to have to fulfill a few conditions I have for you or we both know he'll rot in there."

Veronica stopped fighting him and held still. She was willing to do anything if it meant she would finally get Ethan out of jail. Even if it meant making a deal with the devil who in this case was Chris.

"Now first things first, you have to make a public announcement before press and convince them that we are still together. Tell everyone Ethan means nothing to you, there's nothing between you two and the only reason he fought me was because you rejected him and he realized you had finally moved on with me..."

"What! I would never do that..."

"It's your choice. Whether you want him out or you prefer him behind bars. Trust me he will be there for a long time, it's all your decision to make."

He suddenly kissed her forcefully and let her go pushing her to the couch after she bit his lip, feeling disgusted by him. He left her and made his way out to his car. She had no idea where he was going to and for some time, she sat there thinking of the options she had been given. Both were terrible but she would either sacrifice her love for Ethan or sacrifice his freedom.

"Wait Chris told you that?" Cassie asked.

"Yes and to be honest I'm so confused. I have no idea what to choose and I can't exactly fight the Thompsons in court they'll have their way regardless."

" do want Ethan released right?"

"I do, but that would mean I have to get back together with Chris and I don't want that."

"Listen ... just make that dumb announcement and once Ethan is released, let sometime pass before you break up with him. Trick him into thinking you're doing exactly what he asks then surprise him when he least expects it."

"Are you sure that will work?"

"Positive. We just need a plan on how to end things the second time and with a good reason that the press and public will go with. They may have power but there is no way they would be able to fight public opinion."

Veronica did not think the idea was bad but getting to know the dark side of Chris mad her doubt if she would fall for it.  She was willing to give it a try anyway if it meant getting Ethan released. As it was Cassie seemed to have a plan cooking up in her head already.

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