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It had been about three hours of waiting for Ethan. He was restless the whole time, he had eaten nothing and had not moved an inch from where he sat, except occasionally getting up and pacing around the hallway clearly getting impatient. She had been in there so long and he had no clue  what was going on.

The moment a doctor walked out of the operating room, he ran up to him, anxious to find out how Veronica was. The doctor could clearly read it all over his face even before he said anything.

"Your wife's stable now" he said signalling for Ethan to calm down, " she's out of danger though she lost a lot of blood and the impact on her brain was a lot. We can't tell for sure how she is until she wakes up but the good news is the baby miraculously made it too. They're both okay."

Ethan looked at the doctor confused, "baby?"

"Oh! I'm sorry, I thought you knew. Your wife is pregnant?"

Ethan did not respond to the doctor and the doctor may have thought it was probably excitement or him being out of words to express himself. It was normal when giving out such news.

"Well then, I guess you have double the reasons to celebrate. You are going to have to file the incident to the police though and in the meantime, you can go see her."

With that, the doctor left, after patting him on the shoulder, smiling. Perhaps due to the fact that he saved a life and at the same time was able to deliver such good news. He was rocking his job. Ethan on the other hand was left questioning what he just heard. It was all somewhat too good to be true.

His baby?

Veronica was pregnant, with his baby. Did she know? She could not have. If she did she would have definitely told him. He was going to be a father.

It was not the first time he got such news. Esther had made him believe she was having his baby once but he was not as excited about it as he was now.

News about him and Veronica having a child just felt different. More livening . And to think of the fact that he had said everything he did to her. He was too self centered thinking about how she should have understood him yet she must have been more sensitive in her condition. Everything she saw must have made her traumatized.

Now more than ever, he could not wait for her to wake up so he could share the good news. He sat in her room, beside her bed, watching her for over an hour as he waited. He had made a call to Henry, using a nurse's phone. He had completely forgotten to call him earlier but Henry was immediately on his way to the hospital elated by the news of him being a grandfather but equally distressed by Veronica's accident.

Veronica struggled to open her eyes which felt heavy. Her head was throbbing and by instinct, she moved her hand to touch her head and felt the cloth tied around it. It was a bandage. Where was she? What was that beeping sound she heard? When she finally opened her eyes, she saw the strange man staring down at her.

He was holding her hand, and he had this glow in his eyes when he saw her. As if he was seeing an angel in actual life. Had he been crying? He looked pale, like he had not gotten any sleep in a long time, but for some reason he still looked good. God he was beautiful! She felt strangely attracted to him, like she knew him, except, she had never seen him before.

He was clearly waiting on her to say something, but what exactly was she supposed to say to him. She then remembered. She still had no clue where she was and how she got there.

"Where am I?" She asked trying to get up. The pain she felt pulse throughout her entire body made her rethink of the idea and she laid back on her bed.

"You need to rest Vee. We're in the hospital."

Vee? Only two people called her that. How did this guy know her name and yet she knew nothing about him? How and why was she in a hospital? What was going on?

"Who are you?"

Ethan was completely taken back by the question. That was the last thing he expected to hear from her. Maybe it was the shock. She was just waking up anyway. It could have been the drugs.

"It's me, Ethan," he said expecting it to ring a bell or something but instead she just looked at him even more confused.

"No you're not. Ethan's my boyfriend and you're not Ethan."

What in the world was going on with her? How did she not recognize him?

"Do you know what day it is today?"

"Of course I do. It's 26th April. It's Ethan's birthday today and he has a party tonight and his team's get together thing."

On saying this, her eyes widened as she realized something, "shit! I have to be at his party tonight. What time is it?"

Ethan looked at her confused. That was months ago, on the day he left. Why would she think that was today?

"Do you remember anything before you got here?"

"I think so... could you just tell me what the time is."

"Veronica, I'm Ethan, Ethan Holmes. Don't you recognize me," he said reaching out to touch her but she backed away from him.

"I don't know you. I know Ethan and you're not him."

"Do you know what Ethan looks like?"

"How can I not. He is my boyfriend."

"Describe him to me then."

"He...uuh - he? I don't know... I, I can't remember," she stuttered, "why can't I remember? I know Ethan so- wh-why can't I remember his face? What's going on?"

Veronica was panicking, and the heart monitor beside her bed started beeping insanely fast. Ethan tried to calm her down but she would not even let him touch her saying she did not know him.  She wanted to leave the place.

Ethan called for the doctor who was forced to sedate Veronica and get her to  sleep. Ethan did not understand what was going on. How was she losing her memories and having them all mixed up? How could she not remember him yet still know his name?

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