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Chris had called Veronica to his house insisting that they had to make the announcement at his place that morning. She had no choice but to agree and they both went to face the press with him holding her hand and being all touchy with a peck here and there the entire time in an effort to prove just how much in love they were.

Veronica was forced to smile at everyone and at Chris, whom all she wanted to do was stab with anything she could get her hands on, as she made the announcement live on camera. She stated that there was absolutely nothing between her and Ethan and the only reason she had gone to the hospital was for a check up. She had no clue of Ethan being admitted in the same hospital. As expected, everyone else who knew about it had been bribed to give a similar story.

In her statement, she also told everyone that she and Chris were still engaged and very much in love claiming that everything written on the article was a false rumor someone was spreading around. That someone was obviously her 'fiance' . That the only reason Ethan attacked Chris was because she had rejected him and shown that she had moved on. She felt her heart break as she said everything and was glad when it was all finally over. She just wanted to get away and find some space to cry her eyes out thinking of how Ethan must have felt watching her say those things. He would definitely hate her for it.

She thought they would leave when she was done, instead , Chris added his statement in her name. She was shocked to hear him tell everyone that she had made the decision of moving in with him that very day to start adjusting to her soon to be home as they had both decided to push their wedding to the following week. She was soon going to officially be his wife.

She was completely shocked while everyone gathered around cheered them on, but she could not react to it in front of them. Instead, she smiled as Chris kissed her infront of the cameras before ending the announcement. He must have been enjoying taking things to his advantage and being in control.

The moment they were back inside his house with the press and crowd in his compound gone, she took her chance to question him.

"Moving in... marriage? That was never part of the deal Chris. You didn't tell me any of this."

"You think I don't know that the moment I release that man you will go running back to him? I am not as stupid as you think."

"Really? And marrying you is supposed to stop me from doing that? Well you're very wrong if you think you'll tie me to you with that. I will never ever marry someone as despicable as you."

"Don't be so hasty in making decisions darling. You'll be surprised just how far I can go to have my way."

He then showed Veronica a video of Ethan admitting to some heinous crimes he could not have committed. But the video seemed so real. He had been beaten up and bruised badly and he did not seem sane at all.

"The can't be real-this video...Ethan- there's, there's no way Ethan did all this."

"You're right, he did not. But no one will believe that once they watch the video will they? They'll only see the criminal presented here," he said snatching the phone away from her.

"What do you want Chris? Why won't you just let him be?"

"That all depends on how well you cooperate. I might even consider deleting the video if you do what I want you to do."

"You disgust me..."

"Well you better get used to the feeling."

He walked out and left the house again giving instructions that she was not to leave the house at all or have anyone visit her apart from Cassie which was only because she begged him saying she was her best friend. Her phone was taken from her and her clothes were packed and brought to the house. She was practically under house arrest.

Cassie came there too still surprised by the news she had watched that morning and had spent time convincing a tearful Veronica that they would find a way out of the situation.

"So you had no idea you're getting married next week?"

"No. If I did I never would have agreed to it and now he has this video with incriminating evidence against Ethan. I have to do everything he wants or else he'll hurt Ethan."

"Evidence on what exactly?'

"I don't even know how to explain all that but I just want to know if Ethan out yet?"

"Yes, but he is in hospital again. His wounds were pretty bad and they say he fought with his inmates."

"He must think the worst of me after watching that video... I just wish there was a way to explain everything to him."

"Don't worry I'll do that. Besides I doubt that's the case. You were the only person he wanted to see when he got out. He did not even want to go to the hospital."

Veronica had never felt so helpless in her entire life. Now even her freedom was taken away from her and she could not make a decision about her own life without Chris intervening.

It was clear that there was no way out for her. Not as long as Chris still had that video. It was his leverage against Ethan and that meant he had Veronica in the palm of his hands and could do anything to her because she would not let him hurt Ethan again. His love for her had become an obsession and he treated her like some possession he had to protect and keep all to himself.

Veronica saw no way out of this loveless relationship and forced marriage. She was going to lose Ethan forever. Maybe that was meant to happen from the moment Esther got pregnant. Perhaps all this was the universe forcing her to the right path, and as painful as it was, she had to follow it.

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