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Sun rays swept into the room reflecting  every sign of a beautiful day. She woke up when she felt the warmth on her skin, a feeling she had not gotten in a while. She could hear birds chirping outside, not the usual car sounds and busy people going to work or her neighbor's overly loud music which she found to be rather unnecessary.

She walked up to the french doors that led to the balcony, standing to take in the glorious fresh air that filled the place. It was calm and peaceful, just the same way home should have felt.
The blades of grass shone with dew on them sparkling momentarily and in the distance across the vast field of green were the woods. The woods she could  remember running into as a child every time she felt adventurous and would get lost in them every time. That was all before the divorce.

On the side was a rather large pool formed naturally from what she assumed may have been the lake that was close by as it joined it. There were swans swimming in it and she smiled watching them from a distance. She felt peaceful. The kind of peace that came with a glowing feeling inside like someone had lit up a light inside the darkness she felt.

Her room remained untouched from what she recalled it looked like the last time she was there. She had some of her old clothes in her closet and they still fit perfectly.

There was a knock on her door and an unfamiliar face which she vaguely recalled seeing last night when she got there came in.

"Morning miss."

Miss? Was that what her father recommended everyone to be addressed as? It was all too formal.

"Please, just call me Veronica. I'd really prefer that."

"Veronica," he said with a voice of finality, "your presence is requested downstairs for breakfast."

"Please tell my father I'll be there in a few minutes. Thank you."

He sort of bowed and closed the door. Last time she was around, they only had one nanny, Monroe and their butler, Stewart. Now the house seemed flocked with new servants and they had such formality around them. Guess that was the result of having too much money, you sort of upgrade on everything including the number of servants. It was enough dealing with that at Chris' place but she sure as hell was not going to have it at home.

She made her way downstairs and found everyone seated ready to have breakfast.
"There she is," her father said on seeing her.
"Good morning everyone."
"Glad you finally made time to join us," her younger sister Gia remarked and she remained quiet about it, allowing her to vent. After all, she had every right to. She took an open seat next to Henry across Stephanie.

"How was your night dear?"

She raised her head to look at the least expected person who could have asked her that. And what did she just call her? Dear? She could have thought of the meanest reply to give to her but she had just arrived at the place hours ago. There was no need to be dramatic or start up an argument so early in the morning. The mood at the table was already so tensed she did not need to add to it. She put on her best smile and politely replied.

"My night was good Steph. Thanks for asking."

Breakfast was taken in silence and as much as she had been away from family for so long, this was definitely not how breakfast should have been.

"How was school Ann?" She broke the silence.
"All good. We're having our final exams soon."
"That's great. How about you Steve? Got a girlfriend yet?"

Steve, her stepbrother laughed at the question and so did his brother Jake and her youngest brother, Drew short for Andrew.

"It would be harder for him to get a girl than it is to find a needle in a haystack. He literally froze while asking a girl out and now he can't face her," Jake commented.

Everyone laughed at this and she felt the mood lighten up a bit. After that the conversation kept going with more and more  topics being brought up.

"Gia, congratulations on  your graduation. I'm sorry I wasn't there I just..."
"You don't need to explain anything. I get that you've been too busy to make time for us. I'm actually surprised you showed up or is it all just to rub in that you're getting married to the governor's son?"
"Gia!!" Henry called out to make her quiet.
"You know it would have been better if you stayed wherever it is you went to. We were better off without you," she said before leaving the table in anger.

"Gia get back here," Henry called out.
"It's okay dad. I'll talk to her."

Veronica left to find her sister who had stormed outside. She was not surprised, Gia had always been the angry one. That was how she expressed herself, in anger, after having so many emotions stored up inside her and Veronica understood that she was to blame.

"Gia!! Wait," she called out as she ran after her.

"Go away Ronnie. I don't want to talk to you."

Veronica caught up to her and stopped her even when she fought to leave.
"We have nothing to talk about."
"I highly doubt that. Come on Gia. At least let me say what I need to."
"I'm listening," she said folding her arms on her chest.

" I know I've missed out on a lot. And I'm- I'm sorry. I let my anger towards dad and Steph get in the way of me being a good sister okay. I'm sorry I got too busy, I'm sorry I didn't make time for you guys, I'm sorry for not being there..."

"You know in the time you were gone Steph, the very person you hate has been there for us more than you have. Maybe if you once just stopped being a whinny little bitch and not make everything about you, things would be better. Even dad's trying while you're out there living your best life. We've had to suffer the price for your absence Ronnie so an apology isn't close to making up for it."

With that, she walked out on Veronica and before she could go after her again, someone grabbed her shoulders.

"Let her. She needs to be alone for now."
"What makes you think you know what's best for her Stephanie," she said sounding annoyed.
" Listen Ronnie. I know you don't like me and you think I am here with bad intentions but honestly, while you were gone, I've been here and your sisters and I - we've had some bonding. So maybe this once, you should hear me out instead of constantly fighting me. Then you'll realize I'm not the enemy here."

Veronica was left standing there alone contemplating on the words she had heard from both people. She walked towards the pool sitting on one of the white benches facing the swans who seemed to not be bothered at all by her presence. Was she wrong about Steph? Had she been the one sabotaging her family's happiness the whole time without knowing?

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