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"Thank you so much for letting us stay at your place. "

"Oh don't mention it. Besides, you and your husband seem like very nice people anyway. We're glad to be of help."

Veronica stared outside, at her 'husband' who was busy helping out the other woman's husband to fix their car. He looked so calm, so reassuring. With him, it did not feel like anything was wrong or like they had the entire city police department after them. Everything seemed fine.

The middle aged couple, seemingly in their fifties, had stopped by the road to help them when every other vehicle they tried to stop had passed them by. Their home was not far from Veronica and Ethan's initial destination at the beach house and the couple welcomed them, offering to help them fix their car before they could be on their way.

Normally she would have said Ethan was not her husband, she would have probably said they were just friends because in actual sense, they were not even dating. They were undefined. She was out running away from her  psycho, obsessed and possessive fiance with a man she had no idea how to even explain her relation to.

This was better though. Being with Ethan was better, safer and despite the worry, this was the most peaceful she had felt in a long time.

Soon the men were back inside, with news that the car was fixed and they could finally have something to eat. It was noon and Veronica was starving having not had food since morning. Lately she had been hungry a lot, all the time and she had no idea why.

They had lunch and later sat in the living room talking a bit as Ethan and Veronica planned on leaving.

Veronica had some cramping and she felt exhausted and sick. She had felt the same way earlier for quite some time now and explained it to the woman who had pulled her aside to the front porch giving the men their space. She now returned with a cup in hand. It had a warm drink which Veronica at first thought was tea except that it had some weird smell.

"You should have this," the woman said after handing Veronica the cup, " it will be good for you and the baby."

"Baby?" Veronica stared at her confused before realizing that the woman thought she was pregnant.
She chuckled at the statement seeing that the woman must have misread whatever she said earlier.

"You're mistaken Mrs Edwards, I am not at all pregnant."

" I know an expectant lady when I see one... and you my dear, are pregnant."

She smiled and went back inside leaving Veronica confused. Mentioning her being pregnant made her think. It had been a while since she had had her period, and with everything happening around her she had let it slip her mind. If she really was pregnant, it was probably a month and a week old, she was sure of that. That explained it. The feeling she had been having for so long now. The cravings and weird hormones.

What she was not sure of was who the father was. She had slept with both Ethan and Chris on consecutive days, she could not be completely certain he was the father.

She turned to look at Ethan, and when he caught her staring, he smiled at her, making her smile back. Part of her felt that he was the father. She wanted him to be the father but she could not let him know that she was pregnant. Not when she was not completely sure of him being the father. What if it turned out to be Chris'? When all this was over, she would get a paternity test, then she would break the news.

When was it all going to end though and how was it going to end? Right now it felt like they were criminals running from the law and it did not seem to be ending. Chris had gone to every limit to get to them and they had nowhere to hide.

Veronica suddenly recalled, she was supposed to have called Henry and explained everything to him. She borrowed the woman's phone seeing as hers still had no service.

"Hello," Henry said over the phone sounding a bit confused by the unknown number. She was thankful he had received the call though. He never received calls from unknown numbers.

"Hi dad. It's me."

"Ronnie? Sweetheart where are you?" Her dad was worried. It was expected of him, especially with all the news going round and the thought of his daughter being kidnapped.

"I'm safe dad. I'm okay..."

"But Ethan...did Chris find you?"

"I'm hoping he doesn't."

Henry was confused. Was Chris not trying to save Veronica from Ethan? Why did she not want him finding her? Veronica explained everything to her father. The forced marriage, the abuse, Chris' other woman and her escaping. For some odd reason she felt the need to mention her pregnancy and Henry had been overjoyed. Luckily he did not ask about the father but he wanted her to get back home with Ethan. They would be safer there.

She had told him that they were headed to their family beach house and   he was sending some of his men to them. They would make sure that both of them got home safe and he would inform the police of what was actually going on.

Ethan and Veronica soon left the place for the beach house but along the way they got stopped by a police car. The man had a gun pointed at Ethan while he made a call to Chris. From the look of it, he was definitely going to use the gun on Ethan and his instincts got him to drive the moment the officer was distracted over the phone.

He must have called for back up because they soon had three police cars on their tail and one hell of long shot at getting away unharmed. Ethan did the most unexpected thing and took out a gun from his cabinet before he started shooting at the cars behind them.

Veronica kept questioning why he had a gun and asking him to stop a few moments right before they heard a huge explosion behind them. One of the police cars crashed into another causing the explosion. There may not have been a valid reason for them to be arrested but now there definitely was as Veronica stared at the explosion in horror.

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