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Elise whom everyone knew as Ella, was Chris' ex girlfriend who had tried to frame Chris for an assault on her after failing to pin him down with a baby that was not his. It had been a huge scandal to know that the governor's son had committed such an atrocity and it became even worse when the court hearing was delayed and he was released on bail. There was a riot held by people who claimed that he was acting against the law because he was from a wealthy family and his mother held such power and authority.
It was Veronica who had come to his rescue when she somehow managed to get a recording of a confession from a half drunk Ella  who at the time had been celebrating her win in convincing the public and ruining Chris. Her plan was to extort money from his family to drop her charges and she was certain it would all go as planned.
The feminists who happened to have been 'all hands on deck' fighting alongside Ella and making it a women's rights matter went silent coming to the realization of how much they looked like fools then.
Mrs Thompson, Chris' mother did not however spare Ella. By the time she was done with her, she made sure she was incapable of finding a descent job anywhere and afterwards hired her as a cook in her house after she had ended up on the streets with no money and zero prospects for a job.
It was made public just how 'kind-hearted and forgiving ' the governor's family was garnering them love from more people. Call it abuse of power but there was no way she would let go so easily someone who came after her family and tried to ruin her son. Ella had accepted the job, she clearly had no choice and she was miserable with so many people hating on her even at her work place. She blamed it all on Veronica for ruining her plan and her life and now that she held evidence of her infidelity to Chris, she thought of it as karma giving her a chance for payback. Her only question was who the man under the mask was since all she knew was his name and nothing more. Picturing all this made her excited as she tried to think of what Mrs Thompson would possibly do to her once this was out but first she was going to take advantage of it.
Veronica got back to the party and the first person she met was Chris. She tried to hide her emotions acting calm when he saw her come from the room and approached her. In actual sense,she was freaking out.
"Where were you?" he asked looking a bit worried.
"I just needed to get some fresh air so I went outside."
"Well Cassie's looking for you. She says she is about to leave."
"Okay. I'll go find her."
She found Cassie chatting away with the guy she had danced with and she seemed to really be into it. She was laughing at all his jokes which was so contrary to the cold Cassie who basically drove people away with her resting bitch face. The guy was leaving and had to excuse himself wishing Veronica a happy birthday again and a heartfelt farewell to Cassie who stood watching him as he left. She didn't realize just how much she was smiling as she watched him.
"Who are you and what have you done to my Best friend?" She asked making her realize exactly why and turning to her. "You literally smiled at the guy and I just want to know what he did to you." Cassie blushed a bit and changed the subject to avoid anymore talk about a future with a guy she literally just met which was typical Veronica.
"Where were you? I looked for you everywhere?
"Getting rid of Ethan," she said right before getting a glass of champagne and downing it all at once. Cassie was in disbelief trying to process what she had just said. "Ethan was here?"
"Yes and apparently he was  mad, really mad." She was silent for a while then had this look on her face as if she had just come to some realization. " I don't get how he happened to know that Chris was holding a party for me specifically here. I don't think I told him anything."
Cassie then looked guilty and she saw it. "What did you do? "
" I may have sort of mentioned about the party to him including the time and location."
"Why would you do that Cass?"
"I wanted to know what he told you that made you act so weird and he wouldn't so I told him to leave you alone. I mentioned everything else in anger. I promise it wasn't intentional."
"Christ," Veronica said with a hint of anger in her voice. "Why didn't you just ask me. It's not like I wasn't going to tell you..."
"Were you though,"Cassie asked her voice full of doubt.
"Fine. I wasn't but it's only because I didn't want you to judge me." This got her curious more than before and she pushed Veronica to tell her what happened. When she finally did, she couldn't believe her best friend. She was quiet lacking words to say.
"Please say something."
"Well for starters you are the dumbest person alive for doing that. And to think that you initiated it."
"Initiated what?" came Chris' voice from behind Veronica whom he came and stood beside. Cassie chuckled nervously as she thought of what to say. "We were just talking about an idea Vee came up with for our girls' weekend trip next week."
"Really? She didn't mention that to me," he said turning to Veronica questioning her.
"I was going to tell you but you have been so busy planning for this party I just wanted to give you time first."
"I'm going to leave now," Cassie said hoping she could be free from the anxiety of having to lie to Chris.
"I'd like to leave too," Veronica said.
"So soon? This is your party you know?"
" I do but I'm just so exhausted and I have a splitting headache."
"Should I get you a doctor?" Chris asked getting worried.
" No. It's nothing some meds won't fix. I just need to get some rest."
She was lying but she just wanted a reason to leave. Her part had been played and she honestly could not stand being introduced to any more people.
Chris drove her home and the moment she was alone, all she wanted to do was soak in her tub with some soft music and relax. She set up her bath, lit some scented candles around her and had a glass of wine as she soaked in her tub.
Her notification bell suddenly rang and the first person she imagined it could be was Ethan. Except, he did not have her new number. It was an unknown number sending her a video and she thought it must have been from the party. She was right, it was but it was outside the party. A video of her conversation with Ethan to the point she left him going back inside. She tensed and immediately called the number.
"Hi Veronica."
" Who is this? What do you want?"
"Who I am really doesn't matter. But yes I do want something from you."
" You don't expect that I'll tell you that through phone now do you? Meet me tomorrow at 3 in the evening. I'll text you the location and you better come alone."
"Wait..." She hanged up before Veronica could say anything more leaving her in her panic state to keep trying to guess who it was. She then made a phone call to the one person she had in mind to talk to.
"Hey. I know it's late but it's urgent. Could you come to my place please. I'll see you in an hour."

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