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Veronica must have fallen asleep because the next moment she woke up, it was noon. She was hungry and she wanted to head over to the kitchen and make something for herself. She walked out of her room surprised that Cullhane was not by the door and she heard a voice coming from the study room. It was Chris. He must have been on the phone and he did not sound too happy or calm with the conversation. He did not even realize how loud he was at intervals in which he tried to whisper. Whatever it was, he clearly did not want anyone knowing or listening to it.

"If you dare to say anything to anyone then I swear even that baby will not make it just like you won',it's not a threat sweetheart,it's a warning...I know it's mine but I won't let you use it against me .... NO!! She cannot know anything, not until after the wedding..... baby just give me time, I promise we'll be together soon...of course not Esther, that won't happen..."

Esther? Was that really her? Now that she thought of it, she wore the same dress and shoes she had seen at Chris' place to visit at the hospital. That meant the baby she was carrying was not Ethan's, it was Chris' baby. How then did she manage to convince Ethan that it was his then? She stood by the door perplexed and somewhat feeling happy at the same time. That meant that Ethan never betrayed her.

Amidst her thoughts, she heard him end the conversation but instead of going in and arguing about what she had just found out, she went back to her room and locked the door. How would she deliver the news to Ethan? She had just told Cassie not to come see her for sometime.

Regardless, now she had an even greater urge to find a way out of that place, out of that forced marriage and she had a good reason for it. She needed to a way to tell the message first, most preferably through the press.

Cassie planned a dinner with Chris making an excuse of how she needed to apologize for her behavior earlier. She told him she wanted to learn to live with him if they were going to be husband and wife, and go back to the old times. Luckily, he bought it and was pretty excited by the change of heart she had.

He even talked to her about the wedding and for the first time since all his planning, he finally asked for her opinion on the decor. She kept calm, tolerating him even though deep down she could not stand the very sight of him.

Now that she thought of it, the idea should have come to her earlier to avoid everything as it had happened. Perhaps it was more believable after the strangling that morning. She could not forget how it felt, looking into his eyes and seeing that he could kill her and yet it did not make him budge.

She cooked the meal they were having and since the guards were watching, she had to wait till they were alone to spike his drink with the sleeping pills she had in her room for herself. For that, she had to sleep with him. It was the easiest way to earn his trust even if it was for a few hours. That was all she needed.

It served as a great distraction for him even though to her, his hands on her skin made her feel total disgust. She was disgusted by the type of person he had become, or had always been. It was even worse when he was inside her. It felt like consented rape and all she wanted was for it to end.

She got them wine after and slipped the pills into his glass. It did not take too long for him to completely pass out and thankfully he had sent the guards away for his private time.

The first thing she did was delete the video Chris had of Ethan making sure he did not have any other way to threaten him or blackmail her.

She then went through his texts and if not for having remembered Esther's number, she never would have guessed that he had saved her with his sister's name. If she needed proof of their relationship, what she got was more than proof and there could be no better way to share it if not social media.

She sent screenshots of the posts through his own accounts and did not wait to see how fast the news would spread. She also could not stand spending more time in the same room as Chris. She left and went to her own room after failing to reach Cassie, locking herself in.

Veronica woke up to the sound of her door being banged and Chris' voice yelling from outside. She sat up in bed confused before everything rushed back into her mind. He must have figured out what she did last night. That explained why he sounded so angry.

The door was soon opened using a spare key and he stormed in with the most terrifying look she had ever seen him with.

"What did you do?"

"What did I do? I'm sorry I... I don't understand,"she said getting up from her bed to stand up to him,arms folded over her chest.

"Don't play dumb with me Veronica,did you post the conversations I had?"

"Oh you mean the conversations you were having with your pregnant mistress while engaged to me? Oh yeah, I did. I figured it would be nice since we share everything with the world to share the news and perhaps show ..."

Suddenly he hit her. Hard. So hard she fell on the bed feeling the sting on her cheek. But it was nothing compared to the blow she got next. Her ears were ringing and the pain washed over her entirely.

She had not even gotten over the second blow when he hit her again. This time it was not just once. The blows kept coming and she could not fight back as she tried to cover herself from his hands that were folded into fists.

It got worse and she felt herself spin before everything around her suddenly went black.

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